
Can someone else's blood make you sick?

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Can someone else's blood make you sick?





  2. Only if it is not sterile.

  3. Not sure what you mean...

    As in someone else's blood to drink? yes, I'd say so. Depending on the blood and what diseases that person might have.

    As in a blood transfusion? Well, if it's the wrong type or sometimes you can just have a reaction to it. In the US and other places (I'm in the US and I am ignorant of other countries' practices) blood is screened heavily, so in a hospital or some such, getting sick from a blood transfusion would be extremely unusual. If you do your own transfusion, I make you no promises.

    As in blood on you? well sure, both hepatitis C and HIV are types of diseases that can result with contact with someone else's blood.

  4. aids,  , hepatitus , plus lots of others .

  5. Yes, if it is a different blood type you could even die. or if it has a disease like AIDS or HEP c. but also if you consume a lot of blood you can get sick, anyways. Like if you get your wisdom teeth out then you swallow a lot of blood then you can get sick

  6. The answer is YES you could end up with HIV or even AIDS with someone else's blood unless it is a blood transfusion and you know they have the same type as you(e.g A,B,AB,O,A+,A- etc)

  7. yes you could end up with aids.

  8. depends if they have something wrong in their blood like lets say HIV then you should get tested. but like lets say your mom cut her finger. and she is perfectly healthy and for some reason or another you l**k her finger. you probly wont get sick.

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