
Can someone expain to me why any human would give a person like Osama bin Laden a fair trial?

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Can someone expain to me why any human would give a person like Osama bin Laden a fair trial?




  1. It's going to be hard to explain this. but I'm going to try.  You see, the thing that separates the segment of society that Bin Laden is from, from the segment that Americans are from, is the trial-this is what separates a civilized Honorable society from animals. If we sink to the level of the beasts, we will be no better then the beasts. We must maintain our laws, and our freedoms, because if we fore go them, the beasts will have won, and we might as well just join them if that happens.

    The trial, if it ever happens will show the world that we are the more civilized society, morally Superior in every way,

    Revenge is a  human trait  but we must show the world, and even ourselves, we are better then that.Thgink about what I have told you, and you will come to understand that the trial must happen.

  2. Saddam Hussein got a fair trial and they hung his ***.

  3. That is just how humans are. We feel better about messing with people if we give them a fair trial first.

  4. Simple. Because if you don't give him a  fair trial, you're no better than he is.

  5. Because the FBI said they don't have enough proof that he caused 9/11.

    Remember thats what they said when asked why they took him off the most wanted list. They later put him back but if I remember right they blamed him for other crimes...

    edit: Yep, they still don't charge USAMA (correct spelling) with 9/11. They charge him with causing the murder of US citizens OUTSIDE the US!!!

  6. As awful a person as he is, the reason he needs to be given a fair trial is to not make a martyr of him. Millions of people view him as a hero and if he is treated horribly and killed, they will see him as someone who believed in his cause so strongly that he was willing to give his life for it.

  7. We are Americans and we as a people agreed to act human and not animalistic.  We agreed to behave in a civilized manner even to those who might not appear to deserve it.  If we stoop to the level of O.b.Laden and treat him the same as he has treated others, then how different are we than him?  We prove that we are civilized by treating all prisoners the same (at least we are supposed to). Though to tell the truth, I have a feeling that we aren't planning on capturing obl--I have a feeling he will be obliterated off the face of the earth and will never see a courtroom--directed missiles have a funny way of making that happen.

  8. Imagine that you were accused of a heinous crime that you did not commit and the media slandered your good name.

    Perhaps we can get to the real killers after Osama has a fair trial.

  9. A fair trial? He's never even going to be caught. That would be like Bond catching Blofeld. If he were caught, tried and convicted the banks would have to invent someone else to replace him.

  10. Who said they would? I hope the person that finds him shoots him on the spot. like they should have done to Sadom Housane.

  11. First, a fair trial should be easy in that he is on record (video) admitting to the planning and funding of 9/11.

    Secondly, America puts itself out there as a nation of constitution law and protections. If we wish to continue being a good example of a fair, free democracy to countries that haven't quite gotten with the program, the Bin Laden trial will be an internationally watched case in point.

    If we can show that, yes, this person is responsible for horrible crimes against our country, but we continue to adhere to the judicial process in dealing with him we will show that we value the ideals of democracy over petty revenge... then, of course, he'll be executed :)

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