
Can someone explain Disruptive Behavior Disorder in young children?

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Ok, let me clarify something since the two answers that I have gotten are way out of line.

I have a foster child who his shrink says he was diagnosed with this? I was just wondering what it is? Yeah, he does have some behavior problems, but what child doesn't get upset when they can't have tv...We DO NOT have him on medication for this...I was just asking if anyone knew what it was....




  1. What kind of whiny, psychobabble nonsense is that?  Disruptive Behavior Disorder.

    Isn't that just another way of saying that the kid is a selfish, obnoxious punk?

  2. I am sorry you received such unhelpful responses. As far as I know, disruptive behavior is usually part of a diagnosis of ADHD or oppositional defiant disorder. Although they may be using that term as a singular diagnosis if they feel it is transient in nature due to a situational response ( which would make sense as any child in foster care has obviously been through some major stress with whatever caused them to be there in the first place!)  The important thing is to judge whether his behavior is within the realm of what you can reasonably handle and correct or is disrupting the majority of your time together and very hard to deal with. That would be the time to return to the Psychiatrist and investigate further interventions  such as working with a counselor specializing in children. I hope things go well for you both and good for you for taking good care of children in need!

  3. Disruptive Behavior Disorders involve consistent patterns of behaviors that “break the rules.” Young people of all ages break some rules, especially less important ones. More serious oppositional behavior is a normal part of childhood for children two and three years old and for young teenagers. At other times, when young people are routinely very, very oppositional and defiant of authority, a mental health disorder may be identified.

    There are three main Disruptive Behavior Disorders:

    Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)

    Oppositional Defiant Disorder

    Conduct Disorder

    Here's a link on dealing with children with disruptive disorder.

    Good Luck!

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