I've always used a VCR to record shows I want to watch, but mine is pooping out (I've been using the same tape for 3 months since I can't get the one out of the recorder). I've heard (and tried to read) about TiVo, but I'm still very confused. Is it a service? A machine? Both? Can I program it daily based on what I want to watch that night, or do I have to buy a "season pass" (whatever that is) for each show? It sounds like a computer, and I'm definitely NOT good with those -- am I better off to just buy another VCR (they're cheap now)? Does it record on a DVD, and if so, do I have to change them when they get full or wear out? It all sounds so very complicated and expensive. I feel like a dinosaur -- I'm glad I retired when I did... Can anyone explain this SIMPLY to an old lady? Thanks in advance to all you young folks!