
Can someone explain how solar power works?

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or point me somewhere that does? I understand the whole thing about the grid collecting power and transferring it, but i'm looking for the technical specifics, and trying to figure out why the grid needs to be so big and solid. Thanks in advance for anyone who can at least point me in the right direction!




  1. There are a few problems with answering you here.

    - It's very hard to figure out what you mean by "works".  I could start with quantum mechanical details of the PV cells you'd put on your roof for solar power, but I don't think that's what you want either.

    - You don't seem to understand "the grid".  The grid is made of wires, but most of the space it uses is air (for insulation); it's not solid at all.  The grid is just the set of connections which gets power from generators to users (like you).  Some of the connections are very big, high-voltage lines (like you see on the big towers strung in threes and sixes), and they get smaller and lower-voltage until they reach 110 volts at your wall plugs.  Just to complicate things, some of those users can also be generators (e.g. the ones with PV systems on their roofs).

    Clarifying what you want to know would help!

  2. It is a very, very intricate process, which even our great "leaders" want to regulate, and tax, but, I will make it easy for you !!!

    The keeper of the universe, in his best efforts, pushes the sun around the earth (a hard job for anyone) and, VIOLA !!! it makes plants grow, causes great philanthropic companies to make sunscreen for everyone afraid (depending on the factor, kind of like homeland security color codes) to put on anything, ANYTHING, that might get too warm (SPF 80) for the Goreans and it stops complete global warming, or meltdown as the people who know it all know is happening. so, there you have it: sun=heat=global warming, and you feel warm and fuzzy ! global warming + SPF 80= JUST right (for goldilocks and her friends !)  The grid needs to big and solid, so when the keeper of the universe gets hungry, he can mix up a big batch of batter, and make a nice Belgian waffle (because he gets hungry you know, you would too ! ) Now, close your eyes, turn around 5 times, while touching your left pinkie finger to your nose, stop quickly and point at the first sound you hear, open your eyes, and....YOU are pointing in the correct (politically) direction.  Wasn't that easy ?

  3. Basically you get a bunch of semiconductor material like silicon.  When a photon strikes this material, it releases electrons.  Then you capture these electrons and send them around in a circuit.  Electrons in motion create an electric current, which is how we get electricity.

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