
Can someone explain my really weird dream?

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I had a dream where my friend wrote a book about worms that ate people. I read the book in my dream, and it was pretty gruesome. Then the really bad part comes up. So, although I am 13, I had a baby that was a few months old. My mom also had a baby, and so did my friends. Well, we were all in my house, and after reading this book, we decided that we should put or babies in my oven. I can't exactly remember what the point of murdering them was, but there was some reason. I felt no remorse when I put my baby in the oven. But after it was in there, I started feeling a little guilty for killing a baby, but not thaaat guilty. I do not understand why I had a dream like this. I have never thought about killing babies before or anything like that. Can you explain why I would have a dream like that?




  1. If you can't remember why you murdered the baby then you don't know whether you murdered or killed it. The circumstances in a dream can be completely different. For all you know the babys may have had the worms in them. Your only choice to get rid of the babys fast before the worms attacked anyone else.

    To me your dream seems like a test. The rest of the family put the baby in the oven too. You felt remorse. We have dreams to deal with life. I guess that's the best way to put it since I don't know if your coming from a scientific or religious view, but that definition works for both. Everyone else put the baby in the oven so easily, and the book of worms that your friend wrote may have alluded to the rest of the world more comfortable with violence than yourself. She wrote the book and you were uncomfortable reading it.

    If your dream had a reason my guess would be, you feel there is something in life other people are more comfortable with than yourself and you feel like you should be, but aren't. Either that or something others are no longer paying attention to that you think was important.

    Your dream took it to the highest challenge: taking a human life, but the subject you know may be something as simple as: touching worms when you go fishing.

    The only person who can give the final understanding to what these symbols mean is the person who created them.

  2. maybe u met a annoying kid recently but some of r dreams are random

  3. Trying to interpret dreams is as usefull as trying to capture smoke  and as easy as getting toothpaste back in the tube.

    They are DREAMS, Pally.  

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