
Can someone explain politics and country relationships to me? How can I learn? What is a cold war?

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I'm 20 and from the UK and like many people my age I am astonishingly dumb when it comes to current events. I think it's important that I learn about what's happening in the world but i'm not sure how I should go about this? I now watch the news but words are just kind of "thrown around" on the news and I don't know what they mean? Like is Britain in for a recession? What is a recession? Didn't America go through one? How are they caused? How can a country get out of a recession? What are the UK's relationships with other countries like? Why are Russia and Georgia at war? What is a cold war? Why may one start soon? Has there been one before? If so why? What is the EU? What are the benefits of being in the EU? Is the UK still at war in Iraq? If so why? Are Pakistan and Isreal still fighting? Why were they fighting?

I'm not expecting anyone will answer them, i'm just wondering how I can learn more about these types of things?

Thank you




  1. Well I can't answer all the questions, but I'll do my best:

    Georgia and Russia are at war because Georgia apparently tried to take over this place nearby called South Ossetta which I am assuming was Russian.

    The cold war was a war in america between the black and white states (i think).

    The Uk is still in Iraq, yes.

    They are there helping america to supposedly bring order to the country but evry1 knows its because america want the oil which is under Iraq.

    To answer the rest just go on google news everyday and read the politics section. It will help...

    Gd Luck   =]  


    Republicans - Free Enterprise and Individualism

    Democrats - Unionization, Socialism, Big Government Intervention (Big Brother)

    Do your own research, preferably through unbiased HISTORY CHANNEL and historical documents and documentaries. The news media is not a good source BECAUSE THEY ARE UNION

    Print media, Radio Broadcasters and Television news media outlets are also UNION, immediate bias to pro democratic. (CNN & MSNBC are public relations "agents" for the Democrats)

    Democrats are for higher taxes, social program, Pork barrel spending so they can funnel the money to the Labor UNION mafia.  They make owning a business a hellish nightmare and that's why industry moves to China.  Democrats do not like to spend for military either.  A cold war is where you are not trading with a country and there is always a threat of aggression because of that countries ideology.  They are on kind of a "watch list", but Democrats are more inclined to turn their head (example:  USS Cole).  

    Republicans believe in a strong military to keep us safe.  They believe by being strong, we protect citizens from a threat of attack.  Republicans will keep the military equipped with high tech and up-to-date tanks, planes, bases, etc.

    In America - unions cause inflation and loss of business thus loss of jobs and recession.  There are many reasons for inflation, that's just an example.  High oil prices cause recession because transportation of goods goes up.

    Pakistan is fighting with India (not Israel)  The Muslims (Pakistan) vs. India (Hindu).  Typically all these Muslim involved wars are because Muslims don't like other religions.  You could look up Muslim caused wars.

  3. How can you learn about current events?  Well, start by reading the news on line or in national publications.  Also, the BBC has wonderful news coverage.  When you come across a term you don't know, do a search on the web.  

    Many of the terms you asked about are terms you probably already know if you think about it.  At school you had recess - time when you took a break from classes.  At home there may have been a recess in the wall where your mother put the phone or a vase - an area pushed back from the rest of the wall.  A recession is a time when economic growth takes a break or when economic growth is actually pushed down from current levels.  

    A cold war is called "cold" because it isn't a hot war or a shooting war.    When you are out at a club, and there is some tension, the people involved might give one another cold, threatening looks, right?  If they actually start exchanging blows,  might the situation be best described as "getting too hot"?    That's the difference between a hot zone and a cold war.  "The cold war" is usually a reference to tension and competition between powers in the west (UK, US, Europe) and in the east, especially the former Soviet Union (Russia and its satellites)  It lasted until the breakup of the USSR into Georgia, Russia, and many other countries.

    Just keep after little threads, and read as much as you can.  Go to the library and ask for accessible histories or read biographies of people who lived in different times and places.

    Good luck, and you should be proud of yourself for wanting to grow as a citizen of the world.  

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