
Can someone explain "watchmen" to me please??

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the whole plot behind it




  1. this is sickening because the book is guaranteed to outshine the movie... but the watchmen are normal people that want to stop criminals that are robbing banks etc... the first superhero imitates a story about a guy stopping criminals while wearing cape. soon a whole team is formed partly because of commercial reasons... years after that team gets too old, another team attempts to band together. The government is against them being formed so they don't last long.

    But that's mostly background for the movie. There's a serial killer that only kills superheros, and the cold war is emerging as a nuclear threat, and some of the team gets back together...

    There's a message about futility in the movie... and hopefully they will get the whole book correct, because if they don't they really ruined one of Time magazines top 100 books of all time.

    (also there is one character that actually has super powers - the blue guy - but he really isn't much more important than other characters but the movie might try to make him the focus :(  

    -I don't want to explain much more because I don't want to spoil it


  2. With "The Watchmen" movie due out in about seven months, I am reluctant to summarize the plot for a question that does not contain a spoiler notice in the header. There are people who would be happier if they didn't view "The Watchmen" without knowing how it will end. Therefore, I'm giving you a link that contains not only a plot summary but much more information about the miniseries/graphic novel than anyone is probably interested in. If someone clicks on the link, they are responsible for the decision about learning the final chapter of the story or not (you'll have to scroll down quite a bit to find the plot summary.

    If the film adaption of "The Watchmen" is true to the plot of the graphic novel, the movie could be better than any "comic book movie" yet attempted although that film would run counter to most people expectatons for the genre. "The Watchmen" is a good graphic novel, but it is not the best graphic novel of all time, as some people would argue; however, it may be the best graphic novel that deals with characters who wear costumes and answer to fanciful names.

    Needless to say, if the film adaption isn't done well, the movie could be a gawd-awful confusing mess.

  3. It is a bit complicated to write down....but the graphic novel is EXCELLENT!

    Here is the wiki so you can read about "Watchmen"

    It is an ADULT story...this isn't a regular superhero story.

    "Who watches the Watchmen?"

  4. just read the novel. its worth it.

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