
Can someone explain spirit orbs to me?

by  |  earlier

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I've been looking at online ghost pictures and there seem to be alot of "orbs" that simply look like dust particles or minute debris that catch the light of the camera and create a circular shape. I can put in eyedrops, squint my eyes and create the same effect. Do these orbs follow you around? How did to come to be that orbs are a paranormal signature? Are we being duped? Im not skeptic. I do believe there is another level of consciousness we fail to understand, however the entire orb thing throws me for a loop.




  1. Yes someone can.

    The Orb phenomena was ushered in with the era of digital cameras. Many digital cameras failed to fill in pixels due to low light conditions and not powerful enough flashes. Then people began to look for these effects elsewhere and found them especially in photos taken at haunted sites (they are found everywhere else as well).

    People that now believed that pointing and shooting  and uploading your computer was mastering photography found orbs in dust, flash reflections, water droplets, dirty lenses, etc. These effects have been observed for years and explained by competent photographers long before the digital age.

  2. Most orbs are dust, pollen. etc and most ecto is smoke, fog etc.  I am not on the orb bandwagon anymore. I doubt any of them have anything to do with spirits. Even the unexplained orbs I am not so sure they don't have a natural explanation like fogged film. Just for fun if you want to see some "differences" go here

    I don't mean to be skeptical but the spirit orbs look a lot like the natural anomalies to me.



    I think the majority of orb claims can be debunked!

    My team and i never seen an orb manifest into any mist or apparition or have been shown documented proof. " In The 90's the revolution of digital images took place and thus bringing upon interest to paranormal investigation and research. The company Sony brought about night vision (ability to see and record pictures in darkness) which using them they started to notice new anomalous phenomenon Orbs. Thousands upon thousands these are loaded on the internet. Just about everyone with a digital camera would capture orbs. Analyzed by experts they started noticing that photos of orbs were occurring in places that were not haunted indoors and outdoors. Scientists would do experiments had thrown and blown dust or powder in front of cameras caught in the flash they gave convincing Orbs that looked exactly like those seen in many of the pictures that people search for photos all the time and look at on orb/ghost sites. Outdoors in misty conditions photos produce tens of thousands of orbs and rain produced many in photos as well. Moving Orbs seen on the night vision video are simply the result of the camcorder capturing a moving image of the dust or water droplets as they get carried past by the slight currents of moving air that are Moving Orbs are simply the result of moving currents of air and in one case an insect, dust , pollen etc. flying through the air .It goes to show that your common anomalous phenomena "Orbs" happens to be common things such as dust, bugs , rain , moisture etc. reflecting back the light of the flash and also to close to the lens.




    Lens Glare

    Sun Flare






    Change in Temp.

    Finger in front of Flash.

    Ryan ~Paranormal Invesitgator/Researcher~

  4. Flash reflections of tiny dust particles, water droplets, insects, etc.

    Please see the link below for more info. It's very thorough.

  5. The orb thing throws all but the most credulous for a loop.  I congratulate you on your critical analysis of this particular phenomenon.  Now, let's work on that "other level of consciousness" thing.

  6. Hello

    A 'true' spirit orb is the nucleus of a spiritual energy, an individual in spirit.


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