
Can someone explain the CFR and what they do?

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Can someone explain the CFR and what they do?




  1. from their webbie:

    "Thinking about and discussing pressing foreign-policy issues is a long-established tradition at the Council on Foreign Relations, a nonpartisan and independent membership organization. As you can learn by reading our mission statement, the Council has promoted understanding of foreign policy and America’s role in the world since its founding in 1921. It does this in a variety of ways: by convening meetings at which government officials, global leaders, and Council members debate major foreign-policy issues; by operating a think tank that is home to the world’s most prominent scholars of international affairs; by sponsoring Task Forces and commissioning books and reports; and by publishing Foreign Affairs, the leading journal of global politics."

  2. They're the Council on Foreign Relations, a thinktank based in New York that has a very heavy influence on American foreign policy, and has had some of the most powerful people in the nation as members.

    Members have included J.P. Morgan, John Rockefeller and others of his family, Herbert Hoover, d**k Cheney, Alan Greenspan, Bill Moyers, George Bush Sr., George Mitchell, and oddly enough, Angelina Jolie.

    If there is a real Illuminati, this group could be a likely candidate.

  3. CFR for the US govt is also code of federal regulations.

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