
Can someone explain the difference in this photo?

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If you look at the sky in photo 1 you see it is a lighter blue colour than the sky in photo 2. So why is this? They are both summer photo's and were both taken around midday. Only difference that I can think of is that photo 1 is in England and photo 2 isn't.

Photo 1 -

Photo 2 -




  1. because the  different surroundings.

    i'm sure.

    because 1 is lighter than the other.

  2. it is the difference in the latidues, the second photo must be some where down England.

  3. diffrent camera's or diffrent settings on the camera. some camera's show same colours diffrent with the same settings, there are a lot of variables with camera's and if they are taken with a automatic mode it can be quite diffrent.

    if it was a film camera, it could be down to the film or the camera or the processing technique.

    But i suspect the Bright white in the forground has made the camera have to compensate on the second pic and made the sky darker, or it would have bleeched out the white.

    the second has a good consistant light level so has a brighter forground  which wouldnt get bleeched and so the sky comes out lighter.

  4. to me it looks like the air in #2 is more polluted that in #1. if #2 was taken in a big city that may have been the cause. otherwise i would guess that it was just the lighting.

  5. I don't know for sure, but i notice from picture to picture even on my camera, some lighting changes (be it from the angle of the sun, the direction you are standing, the clouds, the surroundings effecting the lighting of your camera) occur even in a window-less room in a house, or even outside.

    How far apart were they taken? Don't forget, we are in an ellipse-like orbit around the sun, and if they were taken in different parts of the world, odds are we were a distance closer/further from the sun. if the sun wasn't the exact same size, in the exact same location, or at the exact same latitude, the lighting wouldn't be exactly the same, but similar. There are so many little details that effect the coloring of photos that it could be anything!

    that is my best guess! :)

  6. It look like in photo 2 there's a bit of haze in the sky, probably caused by pollution. If that place is close to a desert, it could also be particles of sand.

  7. maybe the lightin

  8. it's an optical illusion, the pool makes the blue in the second look darker...

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