
Can someone explain the psychology behind my dogs behaviour?

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As strange as this sounds, sometimes when I'm playing with my dog, I'll go and lie down besides her on my back, just as a submissive dog might, with his belly exposed. Generally, she then starts wagging her tale, and will also lie on her back besides me. Often, if I stretch my arm up into the air, it will life her corrisponding leg and paw into the air in much the same manner as I moved my arm. She often copies my movements.

Why is this? It astounded me how clever she is, to be able to see my hand movements and coordinate the corresponding leg to do the same.




  1. She a very smart dog and could be easily trained to do some special things.  You are her best friend/playmate and she is playing just like any other dog would play with a 4-legged friend.

  2. she's playing copy cat, you've got a very smart girl there have fun with her!

  3. Dogs often copy their owners behavior. Be careful though,as they will also copy behavior that you may feel is cute when the dog is young but find unacceptable as the dog matures.

  4. some dogs are just very very smart. and im sure everyone on here will post how very smart their dogs are. I know I will.. mine is very very smart...hehe....

    our puppies love us very much and want to just be with us constantly, we are their life. mine will spend equal time between my husband and myself and when she wants to spend more time with me than him, she brings him her fav toy and puts it in his lap just like she lays in his lap so he wont be alone. she does the same thing when Im working in my office (home office),, she lays her fav toy across my feet just like how she lays when shes in there with me. its her way of not letting us be alone and to be there with us. its so cute. enjoy her copying what you do, its very cute.  

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