
Can someone explain this answer to this genetics problem?

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What is the probability that, in an organism with a haploid number of 10, a sperm will be formed which contains all 10 chromosomes whose centromeres were derived from maternal homologs?

A: (1/2)^10 - Does this mean 1 out of the 2 chromosomes to the power of the haploid number?




  1. Yes, that is what it means.

    So first look at the chance to get the maternal chromosome for any one of the 10 chromosomes.... (1/2).

    Then look at the chance of all 10 being maternal:


  2. The number of haploid cells that can be generated is equal to 2^n where n is the haploid number.  There is only 1 way that you can have only chromosomes with centromeres derived from maternal homologs, therefore the probability is 1/2^10.

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