
Can someone explain this dream

by Guest58812  |  earlier

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I've had the strangest dream tonight and it has me a bit worried...even though I don't necessarily believe in that kind of stuff.

I dreamed that someone led me to the cave of a house, where a coffin was standing on display. It was an empty, old-fashioned coffin, and the person who led me down in the cave, wanted me to go lie down in the coffin for an entire night.

Meanwhile, there were three men playing cards besides us. They were dressed in 19th century clothes and each of them looked like he had bad intentions.

Normally I don't remember dreams, but this one remains in my mind as clear as I dreamt it last night.

Anyone with experience in these matters can explain this dream to me?




  1. i dont know if it helps but i keep on dreaming about things killing me  like some ancient egyptian statues and sharks....the strange thing is i swear i can actually feel the pain but when i wake up theres nothing.

  2. Well.. usually when you dream of coffins it can represent a few things:

    When dreaming of a coffin, you can be reminding yourselves of our mortality. You also may be coming to terms with the death of a relationship and feeling of loss.

    2. The coffin may represent, you are shutting your feelings away.  

    3. redemption, resurrection and salvation are personified  by the coffin.

    Play cards can represent:

    1. your abilities to be open to opportunities or to take chances.

    A cave can represent:

    Finding our inner self.

    2.Spiritual shelter, initiation and rebirth.

    Im not sure if that mean anything to you, I got it from the book: the complete book of dreams and dreaming by pamela ball

  3. No one can interpret your dreams or tell you what they mean. Only you can do this. Never mind those who say they can tell you what your dream "means." It only means something to YOU because you give it your personal meaning.

    Don’t bother with dream books, dream dictionaries, internet sites that tell you to look for codes or symbols or hidden mysteries in dreams. Dreams do not contain such things. Dreams are straightforward, just like your waking thoughts.

    There is always a purpose to a dream. Everything that human beings think, feel, or do has a purpose. It is part of what Dr. Alfred Adler called "the psychology of use."

    Dreams don't come to you from outside yourself, nor do they arise from your "subconscious." Once you become aware of having a dream, it’s conscious. You make your dreams up. You create them, just as you create your thoughts.

    The purpose of your dreams while you are asleep is the same as the purpose of your thoughts while you are awake. That is, to solve your problems.

    Figure out the purpose of a dream and the problem it is trying to solve, and you have its meaning. Dreams are thoughts while you sleep, attempting to solve your problems.

  4. It probably isn't anything important. May have to do with the events you have seen that day. Or it may be your past life, you say it's old fashioned?

  5. Go with associations, what were the overall emotions in the dream and how do the details connect, what do they remind you of. Death is usually linked with rebirth, what would happen if you did spend the night in the coffin? whats up with the cards, what game was it (playing or gambling), were the players friends or not, any reason for the number 3? stuff like that. when you know what the details mean to you you'll know what the dream is trying to tell you

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