
Can someone explain thoroughly what an HTML is?

by  |  earlier

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im making a website and it says i can creat one, so get down to da nitty gritty for a quickie lol




  1. HTML is a programming language.  It stands for "hypertext markup language" and is the primary programming language used on the web.  It is comprised of a series of codes, (the basic unit of which is called a "tag") that tell the browser what to display.  For example, to create a heading, I'd type <H>Hey This is my Heading</H>.

    Ok so much for that.  Now on to what you really asked.  Unless you want to take the time to actually learn HTML, or the newer XHTML, which takes a lot of time and is NOT for people who have trouble with anything detail-oriented (like me), I'd suggest that for making a simple web page, you use one of Yahoo's free generators on geocities, or use a WYSIWYG (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) generator such as Microsoft FrontPage or Macromedia Dreamweaver.  You can even save Microsoft Word documents as web pages and then upload them.  

    If whatever host you are using is asking you to upload the HTML, it wants the code, which will usually start something like like this:




    To see the code of a webpage you are working on, you can save it as an HTML format file, then open it in Notepad.  Then if you need to copy and paste that code, just select everything  and hit CNTL-C (or COMMAND-C if you're on MAC).  Hope this helps.  

    Hope this helps.

  2. HTML,

    very simple Really, its ...





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