
Can someone explain to me, very simply, how the plus/minus ratio works?

by  |  earlier

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I'm watching my first hockey game, and the commentators mentioned icing and the plus/minus ratio. I've got my head around icing, but wikipedia was no help with the ratio. Can the more learned members of Yahoo! answers help me?

Go easy , I'm new to this 'Hockey' thing.




  1. It's a rating for a player when he is on the ice when a goal is scored. If he is on the ice when his team scores a goal, he gets a +, if he is on the ice when the opposition scores he gets a -. This goes for each player on the ice at the time of the goal.

  2. you get a + when you are on the ice when you team scores

    you get a - when you are on the ice when your team gets score on

    you don't get a + or - when you are on a powerplay or a penalty kill and a team scores

  3. When a goal is scored, every player from that team who was on the ice at the time is given a plus. Every player who was on the ice at the time from the opposing team gets a minus.

  4. if you are on the ice when a goal is scored for your team you get +1

    if you are on the ice and the other team scores a goal you get -1

    if it is on a penalty kill you dont get a -1 if you are scored on and if you are on a power play you dont get a +1 if you score

  5. Whan a player is on the ice for a team goal they get +1

    for an opposite team goal -1

  6. During even strength situations (ie 5-5 or 4-4 when a goal is scored everyone on the ice either gets a + or a -. The players either get a +1 or a -1 depending on which team scored. During Power Play situations +/- is not awarded for a goal unless the Shorthanded team scores a goal. In this case the 4 players killing the penalty are awarded with a +1 and the 5 guys on the power play get a -1.

    If the team on the power play scores, nobody gets a + or a -

    Hope this helps

  7. You get a + if your on the ice when your team scores 5 on 5 or shorthanded.

    You get a - if your on the ice when your team is scored on 5 on 5 or while your on the powerplay.

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