
Can someone explain to me how someone can support president bush?

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lets just take a list of the things he's done

1) faith based initiatives

2) domestic surveillance, phone tapping and ect.

3) objected to giving due process to the the prisoners in gitmo

4) He wanted to amend the constitution against g*y marriage, the last time i checked the constitution was meant to broaden our freedoms, not constrict them based on ignorance

5) He freaking wanted to make an amendment against flag burning. I love this country, but one of the things that makes it so special is that we have the right to burn the flag




  1. Same reason why people support Google.

    You just see the good in people (i personally hate both).

  2. well ever since the iraq war I could name more than a few stocks that have went from a few dollars to over a hundred mainly defense and oil stocks.

  3. Be best thing we can do for Bush is help out of office and hope that he doesn't do anymore damage to the middle class economically.

  4. I have seen churches that do a better job than any government agency.

    The "domestic surveillance" was confined to a set of phone numbers captured in Afghanistan. Do you object to the government listening in to people taking calls from terrorists? (Interesting that in the 90s a far more extensive program was under way with no objections from any Liberals)

    I have read the constitution nothing in there on g*y marriage, in that regard its a matter for the State governments to decide. In accordance with the 10th amendment.

    Some people want an amendment against flag burning, Never heard that the president ever said that he supported one.

    As far as due process for prisoners at Gitmo is concerned, they are not citizens of the US. They were captured in armed conflict against forces of the US Army. They are not uniformed members of a recognized nation. They have no rights under any International treaty I am aware of, matter of fact in previous wars such people were tried in Military tribunals and if found guilty executed.

  5. Kool Aid Cocktails.

    I'm really laughing at all of these tough guys saying "burn a flag in front of me and you'll have a big problem on your hands". Tough guys. lol.

  6. First off its Guantanamo and second WHY THE h**l SHOULD THEY HAVE DUE PROCESS????? they are not American citizens! they are ENEMY COMBATANTS THAT IF GIVEN THE CHANCE WOULD KILL YOU SORRY ***...  and second g*y marriage should be banned... it sick, perverted and its against the BIBLE!now I am no bible hugger but I have a basic understanding of right and wrong its is WRONG TO F*** a dude if your a dude.. if it was "natural" then men could get pregnant by doing it.. but they CANT!!! totally immoral and un- ethical and if you had half a brain you would realize that! and I shudder at the thought that American citizens do not recognize the leader bush is.. he has done many great things sure he made some mistakes but who doesn't? F*** YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! you don't have the right to burn the dam flag! did you know that the flag  is a symbol of America so burning it is like spiting on every one here and what little freedoms we have left in the "free state". Go have intercoruse with your boy friend joHn "homo" kerry....

  7. I've heard some people want to support him simply because "he's the president, and we should support our leader."  I think that's a load of c**p people say so they dont have to really think about the stuff he does and says.  His approval rating says it all, but I think he was supported also because of him spewing that he loves God, etc etc.

    He's an idiot, and unfortunately so is 50% of America.....who voted for him.....twice.

  8. People are stupid.

  9. I would never burn the American Flag, but don't threaten people.  One guy said "If you burn my flag we are going to have a problem son."  lol. Here is a hint, don't threaten people online it makes you look like a punk.

    It seems that some republicans have a rather coarse and callous attitude when it comes to respect for those outside their insulated little worlds.

  10. I support him because he is the US president. Not an easy job. So anyone in office will get my support because as a US citizen it is my duty to back the president.

  11. Blaming Bush is like blaming Ronald McDonald for a bad hamburger , he doesn't do the cooking he just tells us about it , and if you burn OUR flag you burn us as well

  12. 1 I think the prisoners at gitmo should have been executed...that is due process.

    2 my phones weren't tapped, were yours

    3 I am against g*y marriages

    4 I catch you burning a flag I will shove it up your a$$

    and yes I support Bush on most but not all of his policies

  13. 1. some-so they don't have to share their $$.  They are greedy and think only there spoiled rich kids deserve college

    2.They are religious nuts

    3.They like war

    4. They are stupid

    5. They like people starving and being on welfare

  14. all i can say is you try being the President of the most powerful country in existence  and see what kinda pressures you face. Try an appease the masses and upset another group of masses.  Any decision you make has consequences for millions and maybe billions of people.  The is never a "right" answer. People are always trying  to stab you in the back or bribe you. There is no stress greater on the planet.  before you can question what a President has done, please walk in his/her shoes.

    I love how "know-it-all" kids/people thumbs-down me. I forgot, I am sure you all walk on water.

  15. you burn my flag and we're going to have problems son...

  16. well, he's not for the people, the constitution, or peace~!!!

    and he pushed his own personal agendas onto the whole friggin World, and we are all paying the consequences for his failures and mistakes that he will never admit~!!!

  17. 1)  No problem with that.  Why wouldn't we support faith based charities?  They are effective and efficient.  To NOT support them is discrimination against people for their religious beliefs.

    2)  Show your source.  No domestic phone tapping has been reported anywhere.

    3)  Same rights for POW's not covered by the Geneva convention as in every other war.

    4)  No, he wanted to support the traditional marriage.  It's not "against" anything.  If it were, you could argue it's also against marrying your daughter, polygamy, marrying farm animals, ETC.

    5) Burn a flag in front of me.  If you think that's what makes America special, you're just another naive and uninformed liberal.

  18. item #2. You have been duped into believing that its domestic surveillance against any Tom, d**k and Harry. It was to set up to catch terrorist domestic and foreign, operating here and abroad.

    I have absolutely nothing to fear from domestic surveillance, nothing.

    Item#3. Gitmo prisoners are not domestic prisoners, not American citizens captured here in the USA. They are terrorist of the worst kind. They cannot claim any legal rights under the US Constitution, until now because some screwed up Judges extended to them a right that they did not have. What was on the Judges mind is beyond human comprehension.

    Item #4. You are dead wrong in assuming that the constitution was to broaden our freedoms. The guarantee is in that our freedoms and liberties cannot be taken away.

    Item#5 is very debatable. I respect that you feel that way, although I must disagree with you. Thats the beauty of our amendment rights.

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