
Can someone explain to me the big bang?

by Guest32403  |  earlier

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I saw a programme on it ages ago, but its speaks all scientifically and i couldnt understand what it was going on about!!

Can someone explain it to me how you would explain it to your 8 year old child? (and no im not dumb, i just get lost in all those scientific terms) and i basically understand it, but when i try and explain it someone else, i get lost!!!!

So....The Big Bang...for dummies version please? anyone? :-)




  1. a stupid though that is practically like saying that you could throw a broken watch up into the air and by magic it is gunna come back down all fixed and perfect

  2. That was when satan fell to the earth with a big bang & the earth

    became without form & void. Gen 1:2

  3. Thank you for actually asking someone to explain things to you rather than just dismissing it out of ignorance. I don't have the patience to type for days but I think it is admirable.

    You should try to get a hold of a history channel special on it. They walk you through it and make it quite understandable.


  5. A big clump of mass or energy or both, exploded or expanded. Creating space and the universe. Then Abiogensis took place, which is non-living material to living material, then evolution, and we end up were we are today.

  6. Two rocks collided (but scientists don't have an explanation of how they got there) and instead of being destructive (which would be logical) the result was constructive.  An organism turned into a monkey and the monkey turned into a human.  Then one of the humans must have destroyed all of the evidence of the half monkey/half human remains because none have been found.  The supposed ones they found are just 9 extinct monkey remains and the other 3 are modern humans.  

    The Big Bang is a joke.  

    Ask them to explain the gasses that make up the stars.  Also ask them to explain how the stars have existed this long.

    There is more evidence from evolution scientists that points toward creation than there is that points toward the Big Bang.

    Hope this helps.

  7. I can't offer you the Big Bang version for dummies. I suggest you read Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time. It's written for people of relatively average intelligence, so you should be able to understand it. (not trying to be sarcastic, just pointing out that he didn't write it for Physicists).

  8. All that the big bang says is that the universe is expanding at a rate that's uniform everywhere. It's as if the universe was a balloon that's being blown up and the stars and galaxies are dots in the balloon.

    Since the universe expands, it follows logically that there was one point in time where it was very, very small.

    What blows the balloon up? From Einstein's equations, it was seen that space swells because of negative pressure. Negative pressure causes positive (that is, repulsive) gravity.

  9. If you want some good info, check the science section, all you will get here is fundies telling you it never happened.

    Now, the big bang was a small ball of matter, that was so dense that it imploded. When it did that it shot matter and gas across many light years. This matter started to pull together thanks to gravities influence. I am not really an expert, so I would suggest a google search.

  10. there was nothing "big" about it (because it was a singularity) and there was no "bang" (because it was more of an expansion) ... according to Michio Kaku.

  11. Ask in Astronomy.  Here you're just going to get a bunch of idiot Christians saying everything poofed into existence one day,.

    (The irony of that statement, you can cut with a knife, btw... :)

    Edit - Hahahaha, I must be a prophet.  3 of those nutters have already shown up.

  12. We don't know yet where the source comes from.  We have some good ideas, but the math is a lot more complex than even some of the best physicists to date can really well handle.

    But, once you get to the point of the Big Bang, spacetime is all balled up in a very tight space.  Then a fundamental change happens (science term: vacuum phase change event) and the spacetime suddenly starts to expand very very fast.  Because it has a lower energy level than what it used to have, and energy cannot be created nor destroyed, the excess energy becomes matter and energy.

    Over time, the expansion slows due to gravity, but, one of the things that came out of the big bang is called Dark Energy, and it causes space to expand.  For a while, gravity had more influence, but we have reached a point in the universe's development that dark energy is taking over, and the universe appearse primed to tear itself apart in a few trillion-trillion-trillion years (ie: don't worry about it, Earth will be LONG gone by then).

    This is HUGELY over simplified.  But this is what you requested.


    This site is pretty good, I think, for being technically accurate without being OVERLY scientific.  It describes in plain English pretty much everything it talks about, and I rather personally enjoyed reading it (though I read it in reverse, for reasons my own).

  13. There is an experiment set for next month in Europe set to recreate just this very event.

    Search "particle accelerator" for some foundation information towards furthering your understanding

  14. Astronomy and Space section is to your left.

  15. The Big Bang is the sound that is heard when someone who believes in such a STUPID theory pulls their head out of their butt!

  16. All it says is that all the matter in this Universe was once in a single point called a singularity.  At some point it began a very rapid inflation that is still happening.

    I could give you some ideas about cause and mechanism, but that part gets complex.

  17. You should ask this in the science section where most of the educated scientists hang out.

    Here's the idea.

    The universe is expanding. Galaxies are moving away from one another at faster rates than before. If you rewind this motion backward in time, all matter in the universe converges on a single point. Over 14 billion years ago everything that existed was at a tiny point at maximum entropy - there was no

    information or organization possible. After the Big Bang the universe began to expand, with some matter forming huge stars and galaxies (there is a whole lot of research on subatomic particles and what not, and some unknowns about galaxy formation).

    We have no idea why the Big Bang occurred, as all "evidence" has been wiped out by the expanding universe, like a beach crime scene that has been washed away by the tide). But the presence of cosmic background radiation would suggest that the Big Bang occurred, and it is the most current theory on the origin of the universe.

    The term "Big Bang" is a poor name. The theory picked up the name from its critics, who thought the idea was ludicrous.

    For the record, I am a lay person and J.P is more informed than I am.

  18. There was once a whole bunch of "stuff" but it was really really really compressed. One day it got so hectic that all h**l broke loose and a massive explosion happened sending everything outward. all the stuff in space is a result of all of those things being scattered around space.

    but its just a theory. there are a lot of things that arent known, such as how those 1st bits of stuff came to be. Ive heard some really good theories though.

  19. I still have a lot of questions about it going back before the big bang... but somebody told me that a previous God blew himself up in the big bang... and the rest now is history....

  20. I suggest you go to Space, Astronomy or Physics section and ask there.

  21. The 'Big Bang'  was the thunderous sound of G-d's Voice saying 'Let there be...".

  22. At one point there was nothing,.

    Then God said, "let there be"

    All of creation exploded into being, and it was.

    Thats it in a nut shell.

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