
Can someone explain to me the physics of what happens when an infrared remote changes tv channel?does signal..

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close a switch somehow in the way that pushing a button closes a switch? If my suspicion is correct about the "switch," is it a special variety? If I am wrong, how does a signal work to change channel, volume, etx.? Thanks all!




  1. Al;l the preceeding answers are good ones, each with some different details.

  2. A button is pressed. A microprocessor reads the button. It then sends out a code. The code is delivered in pulses and there are many different types of coding. These pulses are relatively slow and can deliver a few hundred bits a second. Each code has an elaborate starting sequence to identify that the pulses are indeed a signal from that remote control. Then the actual code goes out after the start sequence. For transmission the pulses are modulated at about 30 to 40kHz before applying the signal to the infra-red LED. This is to make sure that other sources of infra-red don't get confused with what we want to send. If you hold down a key then the signal may be automatically repeated.

    On the other end a receiver picks up the modulated signal and demodulates it. back into a pulse series. This is decoded by checking that the start sequence is valid and then picking up the embedded code. Most remotes only need 8 bits of actual data per key. press

  3. its not quite as simple as a switch.  See, the remote transmits a message in the infrared spectrum, probably using pulse width modulation, meaning that by changing the width of pulses of light, it sends a string of ones and zeros.  kinda like morse code.  for example longshortshortlong could be 1001.

    These pulses are received by a receiver module that is pretty much like a switch.  when there is infrared light on it, it turns on or off an electric circuit (it doesen't matter if it turns it on or off).  this creates a signal on the circuit that is then decoded by an IC (integrated circuit) chip, which then turns down the volume or changes the channel.

  4. your remote sends out a specific pulse pattern of light that is recieved by your tv/dvd/stereo the pattern is interpreted by the chip in the device and then a command is sent to the proper switch, closing the correct contact.

  5. All those answers are correct, however here is a site to give it to you in layman's terms.

  6. open up the tv and check it out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  7. When you press a button on the remote, a contact is made    to complete a circuit on the remote's circuit board. An IC chip detects the connection and creates a specific binary code corresponding to the command.

    The remote then emits a series of IR light pulses through the LED to the receiver. A decoder circuit in the receiver converts the pulses into binary data and routes the data to a microprocessor which carries out the command.

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