
Can someone explain to me the situation in Ossetia and why Russia is attacking?

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Read it in the news, but I'm not clear as to why it's happening.




  1. The situation is this, and you will see from what I say how serious this situation is:

    The state of Georgia launched a major military offensive on Friday to sieze back the province of South Ossetia that broke away from georgia in 1992 and has since been supported by Russia. Russia has sent in tanks and troops to protect South Ossetia, so They have the backing of Russia behind them . Georgia is being backed by the US government, and they are backing them with military aid. So it comes down more or less to a confrontation between Russia and the US.

    It is a similar situation now that exsisted during the Cuban Crisis when kennedy was the US president. Who will back down first. Russia or the US?

  2. It's my understanding that Russia was pretty upset about Georgia declaring Independence. Stalin was from Georgia. They've been bugging Georgia to come back for a while. The incident when Russia turned off their gas lines that feed Europe with gas was based on those pipelines going through Georgia. Russia accused Georgia of tapping gas from those lines. Russian diplomacy is like making a deal with mobsters. Just look at the Russian president and tell me he ain't a Don of some kind.

  3. Basically Georgia tryed to capture it so they invaded it, but its rite on the border of russia. And i think that as was there land or they thought da Georgians were attacking so they decided to fight back. Lol its rely mucked up. The georgians will never win.

  4. Russia previously than enter the troops in Osetia convened the meetings UNO and even wait killed amongst their own pacifier, and how do I seem wholly has the right to begin the take return actions...

  5. Ossetia is a part of Georgia who's people want to be russian, Backed by Russia they attacked Georgian forces to break away, Georgia retaliated.

  6. If you're familiar with the Yugoslavian conflict of the 90's, it's pretty much like this: Russia is playing Serbia's role, S. Ossetia is playing Republika of Srpska Role, and Georgia is playing the Republic of Bosnia's role.

    If you don't know what I'm talking about, it's like this:

    South Ossetia is part of Georgia. However, it wants to be part of Russia. South Ossetian rebels are starting a war or revolution in order to break away from Georgia. Georgia doesn't like that and it invaded South Ossetia to get rid of the rebels. Russia, which is a friend of those rebels and may possibly be arming them, wants to help those rebels and now it has invaded Georgia under the excuse of "we want to protect our civilian population".

    Think about it this way: Imagine if all of the sudden the majority of Texas (in this case Ossetia) became inhabited by ethnic Mexicans (in this case Russians). Image those ethnic Mexicans want to take Texas and break away from the Union (in this case Georgia) to join Mexico (in this case Russia). Now lets imagine that these Texan Mexicans create their own militia and attack white American settlers in Texas in order to break away from the Union. What would happen? The Union would get pissed off and attack those Mexicans in Texas and try to kick them out of the country. What would Mexico do? Since Mexico has interest in owning Texas, it would attack the US. It's pretty much like that except that the roles are different.

  7. There are lots of issues with this question. It's too soon to determine exactly what Moscow's intentions are, but the following are some possibilities to consider:

    - Moscow is still angry that they lost the cold war. This becomes apparent whenever a former Soviet republic orients towards the west. This may explain why the Russian Army was positioned in North Ossetia and had Peace Keepers in South Ossetia.

    - The Baku Tablisi Cayene (BTC) pipeline is operating and provides the only means to transport oil and gas from the Caspian that does not cross Russian territory. Note that Russia's recent resurgence has been mostly supported by revenues from oil and gas.

    - The Russians may be attempting to send a subtle message to the EU that it controls the energy flows from Asia into Europe.

    - Russia is angry with Georgia over its desire to join NATO and the EU. This plays into Russia's traditional realist tendency, that includes buffer states and balances of power with neighbors.

    - Russia is angry that Georgia is supporting the US in Iraq with the third largest military presence.

    - Russia may be sending a strong message to other former Soviet states that can be interpreted as Russia is still the hegemon in the Asia/East European Area.

    - There is an old Communist adage that a priviledge not used is a priviledge taken away. In this situation, Georgia has allowed South Ossetia to act autonomously for over a decade. During this time, Russia has been present in the area and disrupting the harmony. Russia may have it in their minds that South Ossetia has become a Russian component and reunited with North Ossetia.


  8. Simple.

    Since 90s Russia is obliged to keep peace in Ossetia. It's according to the document signed also by Georgia itself too.

    On 08.08.2008 Georgia attacked Osetia. FIRST.

    Then Russian troops moved to Ossetia to do their duties. Russia has not attacked Georgia, Georgia attacked Ossetia.  

  9. Olympic games started. Perfect global distraction. Georgia attacked SO under US guidance. Killed alot of civillians.Then whined when Russia retaliated to protect the SO's. Wants international help. Biased media are blaming Russia. Seems a pre-cursor to expanding war on to Iran. A huge naval task force is already there. All about oil. Supplies are getting stretched. Eventually we all knew this would happen..

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