
Can someone explain to me the whole JFK conspiracy theory?

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whats all the confusion about?




  1. It is aways very upsetting when one man, a nobody, is able to strike down the leader of the free world.  This was especially true because he was so popular.  So we investigate until we are blue in the face trying to find a connection to some larger conspiracy in Kennedy's death.  In those days there was much more secrecy in the activities of the government.  So anytime something new comes out a new conspiracy is considered and the hunt goes on.  Every possible alternative to Oswald being the sole assassin has been investigated and no other conspirators have been found. But the hunt goes on.  It now appears likely the same thing is going to happen with the 9/11 attacks.

  2. Back in the late 1950's and early 1960's, there was alot of tension between the Soviet Union and America.  After the Bay of Pigs fiasco, the Soviets decided to install nuclear weapons in Cuba, who was an ally.  Kennedy and Kruschev

    finally came to an agreement to remove the weapons.  Supposedly, the CIA tried unsuccessfully to murder Castro.

    The conspiracy theorists say that the Soviet Union and/or Cuba was behind it.   Other theories are that the right wingers of the CIA and military had him murdered.  And, the Cubans that escaped Cuba were mad at Kennedy for the Bay of Pigs, and they did it.  Oswald was supposedly involved with them, so that theory goes.  There are other theories, also, and none of the conspiracy theories have been proven to be true.   There will always be doubts and questions about his assassination, just as there are still doubts and questions about Lincoln's assassination 143 years ago.   The Warren Commission concluded that Oswald acted alone.  In 1979, Congress re-opened the case, and concluded that there was a conspiracy, as there were 4 or 5 shots fired, not 3.  To this day, nothing concrete has been proven, and, since Oswald was murdered two days after Kennedy by Jack Ruby, and now Ruby is dead, also, we may very well never know the whole truth.

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