
Can someone explain to me what Double Rim and Single Rim is?

by  |  earlier

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These are types of basketball rims, but I want to know:

1. What are they?

2. How can you tell the difference between the two?

3. Which one is better?




  1. 1. A double rim is placed on out door courts in order to protect the rims. In a park where the rims are unmaintained, double rims can withstand people hanging on them, dunking, etc. much better than a regular rim. One of the big drawbacks is that shooting on them is difficult because they are designed much sturdier than regular single rims. Therefore, when you shoot your less likely to get a kind roll into the basket, making it harder to shoot.  A single rim is much easier to shoot on and you see them in any indoor basketball court. The NBA, NCAA obviously use single rims.

    2. After you watch or see any regular single rim, it becomes apparent that a rim is double when it is much thicker than a single rim.

    3. Single.

  2. same here...thats what i was wondering....when someone posted a questioin bout double rim and single rim

  3. a single rim is just one rim connected to the backboard it makes it easier to not bounce out, the double rim has 2 rims on top of eachother and the ball bounces out way more

  4. basketball hoops

    2,the rim and backboard

    3 i do not know

  5. Double rim is seen on outdoor playgrounds because it is stronger so it can withstand the strength of dunkers and be less likely to break.  It is obvious to see if you find one; it looks as if one rim was glued to another.  You won't find them inside any gym.  Inside, you can find breakaway rims, which release without breaking if a certain amount of pressure is put on them.

  6. Exactly what it sounds like.

    1. A single rim is one rim. a double rim is two welded together for strength and durability.

    2. just by looking at it. if there's only one rim, it's asingle rim. a double rim looks like two rims squished together.

    3. single rims, double rims tend to be bouncier and its harder for shots to go in. but if you're a dunker, you'll want a double, because they won't bend or break as easily.

  7. bahahahha

    1.A basketball hoop has twoo rims stacked on eachother and one had just one lol



  8. Double rim. looks like a single rim stack upon another. mostly found on playground courts. good for dunking. bad when you shoot and miss cuz they tend to vibrate alot on a impact. they can also make double rims onto a breakaway setting.

    Single rim. Look at you standard portable home hoop set up and there is your single rim. they can be either breakaway or fixed in place right onto the backboard. when you dunk, it doesn't move. if you a hard dunker u can bend or break it off.

    Single rims are found like i mentioned earlier on portable home courts. gyms n high skool gyms. usually the single non breakaway rim is on the wooden backboards in many high skool gyms n the single breakaway ones are on the just the glass ones that the skool team plays on for home games. Single breakaway rims are also on college n NBA courts.

    I like any single rim breakaway or no breakaway better that a double rim cuz you won't get a shooters bounce on a double rim. a brick on a double rim can become a super brick! lol. too bouncy. unless you shoot it right everytime like as in a swish u won't get a friendly roll. if your strictly a shooter you will have problem in ya game on the playground playing on this type of rim. its put on playground courts so the city won't have to replace them all the time when ppl dunk, hang, climb the nets,etc at the playgrounds.

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