
Can someone explain to me what an emotional affair is?

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Is just talking to someone from the opposite s*x, online, often considered an emotional affair, when the talking is strictly platonic? (ex: news, people we know, etc). Nothing sentimental, nothing insinuing one wants the other...

I'm confused a little bit about the whole concept... And no, I am not trying to have one, I'm just wondering since I read alot of things here on someone having an "emotional affair" with another... what is it?!




  1. Lusting or having an emotional tie with the opposite s*x other than your spouse.

  2. Sharing ones feelings with someone other than your partner!

  3. emotional affair is that affair where brain stop working and heart become the decision making tools

  4. There is no such thing as an emotional affair.

    Its just something women made up due to the fact that they are jealous and insecure when their husbands or boyfriends talk to other women.

    Its called friendship nothing more.

  5. I think it's an expression women dreamed up 'cause they needed new things to complain about.  As if they were running out!

  6. People think of an emotional affair when you share more about yourself with that person than with your partner. It can get very bad, up to a point where your partner becomes second choice in everything. It relies on the concept that your partner should alwys be your go-to-guy and best friend.  

  7. An emotional affair is when you come to rely on someone other than your spouse.  You share with them the emotional things which one should be sharing with their spouse.

    It is very easy to cross the line until it becomes a physical affair.

    From your post it seems that you are not involved with an emotional affair.  If you come to the point that you would rather talk with someone other than your spouse then watch out.  You have crossed the line.

  8. basically when you don't want your spouse to hear your conversations because they would get mad... talking about intimate details.. someone you "have" to talk to every day... it is really hard to define.. but, probably when you care to talk to that person more than your spouse..

  9. If you are saying things to another person that you would not want your spouse to over-hear or things you should only say to your spouse, then that is considered an emotional affair.

    Also, if you are developing feelings for another person that is generally reserved for a spouse, even if you aren't sexually active with that person, it's considered an emotional affair.

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