
Can someone explain to me what an online course is like?

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I'm taking an online course for grade 10 civics&careers. What exactly do you do in an online course? Do you have set assignments to do each day? or can you work ahead? I'm just not sure what to expect...




  1. I have taken a number of online courses and loved them. Just can do your work without having to get up and go to class and you can do your work in your home!

    Seriously, usually there is a course syllabi posted online  on a "blackboard" with all the reading and homework assignments. The assignments are then done on your computer and you submit them by a deadline via an e-mail-like format.

    You will probably have a user ID and password that gives you access to your course. There is also usually a place where the teacher poses questions for you to respond to in a forum. I took teaching courses online when I was getting my  teaching licensure and the online forums were a great place to exchange ideas and reactions to readings.

    And yes, you can work ahead, assuming that the teacher has posted the assignments but some teachers may request that you NOT submit work until a certain date. I usually read ahead on weekends, when I had more time.

    Go for it! It's great!

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