
Can someone explain to me what happened in my room one night?

by  |  earlier

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About 1-2 years ago, around 10 PM, I was trying to go to sleep in my bed in my room. All of a sudden, I hear some fingers tapping on my door, and I just think it will eventually stop. However, after 10 minutes, the tapping grows louder, and it sounds like there was a million fingers tapping on my door. It keeps going for about 20-30 minutes, my heart is beating fast, so I get the courage to go up and open the door, and nothing was there. After I closed the door, the tapping never returned. I live with my parents, but I doubt they could've made this much noise. It is possible that it was my door creaking, but I had never heard a door creak like that in my life. What could have happened?




  1. You could have been dreaming or in a trance like state where you were awake but not fully awake; we tend to hear more things then.

  2. Thank goodness u didn't say come in.

  3. sounds like ghosts to me.. idunno if you believe in ythem but i do

  4. Thr boogie man was trying to visit your room...or you were dreaming!

  5. Just watch out for bigs birds that say "Nevermore"-

  6. It may be your imagination...But if it wasn't your imagination you can speak to the ghost, and tell him/her that she/he must go out. If it really was a ghost, he /she never will appear again!

  7. was the heat in the house coming on. Mine makes all kinds of bangs and tapping noises.

  8. By definition, it was a ghost.

  9. Have you ever heard it or anything else like it since?  Has anyone in the past said anything about noises in the house?  How old is the house? Do you have pets?  I hate to answer a question with several more but all these will factor into a good answer.

  10. That sounds spooky...fingers tapping on door.

    Just before the new millenium, a bat flew into

    my bedroom and brushed against my head; the

    next day it was lying dead in a bucket of water

    upstairs ...   it was dark (3:00 am maybe) when it

    happened and I had no idea what the flying noises

    was about.

  11. After reading through all the "ghost" reports I read on Yahoo Answers, there is at least one striking similarity these reports seem to have. The one reporting the purportedly paranormal event usually says that it happened while he/she was going to sleep, was asleep, or was waking up. There's a reason for that -- the mind can play funny tricks when it is drifting off to sleep or just waking up from sleep. Or when it is totally asleep and dreaming.

    I suspect you were just dreaming. A door creak may have set off the dream in which you kept hearing it over and over.

  12. I have to ask was the door closed all the way? Like the door was in it's frame?

    Because it could be just the friction of the hinges of that door. That tapping noise happens all the time with my door (but it sounds more of a snap-pop like a firecracker because it's really light).

  13. I'm figuring that it was a ghost/spirit... I've had things like that happen to me in my house plenty of times... Like I'll hear footsteps when I'm the only one home. Or someone will knock, but no one is there. It sounds like they haven't been back in a while so I wouldn't worry too much about it.

  14. could be or maybe it is like the sound rats or mice make when they run inside of the walls.

    I have also heard cats running on my roof before that would sound as you describe.

    The first rule is to list all possible first, then probable, then improbable, then impossible before you begin to make accusations that are off the top of your imagination.

    Ifg you can honestly rule out all of the possibilities, then you may have room for some what ifs.

  15. TR is on to something. It is called a hypnogogic hallucination.

    Cases that are considered legitimate hauntings get progressively worse. Whether you believe them to be a hoax or real, this seems to be the rule with hauntings.

    Breif encounters with spirits tend to be almost always while drifting off or waking up. White noise (tapping, banging, drums, crashing) is common with these type of hallucinations.

    They are often brought on by stress, but can be caused by other things.

    look "Hypnogogic Hallucinations" on

  16. ashushu... hallucination or paranormal phenomena? you should have given more details about the door and your current state(like if you are sleepy or drunk something).....

    anyways, both can be true. Because ghosts exist and they are REAL, not just a figment of the mind's imagination. anyways, if you like to know more about them, ask it in this forum, many are expert in such cases,

    how often weird things happen in your place? are there any strange phenomenas that happened there? how old is your house?

    are there any hanging things near the door? is it windy that day? are there naughty kids that are still awake in your place? where do you live? there can also be a hundred reasons behind that phenomena...

    do you take drugs? do you have an insomnia? do you have lots of sleep?

    add more details....

  17. I think you are merely trying to cover up your embarrassing nocturnal emissions.

  18. maybe your ears where deseving you? but im not sure, sorry about not givin u a good answer, its just that somethings may not have an answer for it.   :-/

  19. Strange things happen around bed time.  The mind is a powerful tool--it tricks itself every time you go to sleep and start dreaming.  When you're on the verge of sleep your perception of reality can be fleeting and it's very possible to slip in and out of sleep.  Once you're on the verge of consciousness like that, your brain doesn't always make sense of what's going on around you.  Whatever your brain thinks is going on really *is* going on as far as it is concerned, because all of your senses run through that organ.  So if you hallucinate something that really isn't there, you are seeing it as if it were because that's how your brain is processing it.

    Which is more probable, that you were imagining/dreaming this event and "misheard" what was really happening, or that there were actually one million little finger taps occurring that no one (i.e. your parents) noticed?

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