
Can someone explain to me what this political cartoon means???

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  1. "Labor Against Capital(as written in cartoon)" is the communist view?

    "labor for capital" is a democracies veiw?

    A commy killed the laborers Duck(meal ticket


    Labor = jobs


    Communist are destroying capitalism?

  2. i can't.  looks old maybe if i knew what it was in context at that time.

  3. It appears that they are showing capitalism as the "lame duck".

    The "labor" worker perplexed and uncertain what is happening and "communism" standing waiting.  (Most likely to take over)

  4. The Fate of Lebanon (July 16, 2006)

    The real occupying power in Lebanon is terror--terror instigated by Hezbollah, but initiated, funded and perpetrated by Syria and Iran. This is what American soldiers are dieing for so that dead bird is not titled United States, Hezbollah wants the world and will stop at nothing to try and get it.

    A grim reality for Lebanon , A more than hypothetical reminder for everybody else.  

  5. Looks like it is either a pro-Obama or pro-Communist cartoon.  Hard to tell.

  6. I guess it's to clue in Union members what happens to capitalism (and their collective jobs) when they continure to support the Democrat left.

    My guess anyway.

  7. The character "Labor" is eating the goose (capitalism) the lays the eggs.  

    That isn't very smart.  

    You can only eat the goose once, but you could eat eggs for as long as it produces eggs. (And Capitalism would go on to produce more eggs.)

    All of this is going on with the approval of the character "Communism."

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