
Can someone explain to me what this song mean?

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I listened to this song and I really liked it, what does the song say?

Negramaro - Come Sempre

come sempre

son sicuro,crescerai

come sempre

al mio fianco resterai

un istante

una vita in scatola

come sempre

una foto parlerà

chiudendo gli occhi

scivoli via

da me

chiudendo gli occhi

scivoli via

da me

come sempre

ti assicuro capirò

come sempre

oggi mi accontenterò

chiudendo gli occhi

scivoli via

da me

chiudendo gli occhi

scivoli via

da me

scivoli via

da me

se chiudo gli occhi

scivoli via

da me

da me




  1. as always

    I'm sure, you'll grow

    as always

    at my side you'll stay

    in an instant

    a boxed life

    as always

    a photo will reveal

    as my eyes close

    you slip away

    from me

    as my eyes close

    you slip away

    from me

    as always

    I assure you I'll understand

    as always

    today I'll be pleased

    as my eyes close

    you slip away

    from me

    as my eyes close

    you slip away

    from me...........

  2. As usual

    I'm sure, you're growing up

    As usual

    you'll stay by me

    A moment

    your life in a box

    as usual

    a picture will speak

    Closing your eyes

    you're elapsing from me

    As usual

    I promise, I will understand

    as usual

    I'll be satisfied today

    Closing your eyes

    you're elapsing from me

    Closing your eyes

    you're elapsing from me

    you're elapsing from me

    If I close my eyes

    you're elapsing from me

    from me

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