
Can someone explain to me who Mohamed (apologies if spelled wrong) is, and a little of the basics of Islam?

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Hi! I am keen to learn about religion and I was in the R & S section but they were very rude and ignorant.

All answers welcome please!




  1. Here's an excellent website to find out much much more!

    love for all, hatred for none


    [3:18] GOD bears witness that there is no god except He, and so do the angels and those who possess knowledge. Truthfully and equitably, He is the absolute god; there is no god but He, the Almighty, Most Wise

    [37:35] When they were told, "Laa Elaaha Ella Allah [There is no other god beside GOD]," they turned arrogant.


    [2:130] Who would forsake the religion of Abraham, except one who fools his own soul? We have chosen him in this world, and in the Hereafter he will be with the righteous.

    [2:131] When his Lord said to him, "Submit," he said, "I submit to the Lord of the universe."

    [2:132] Moreover, Abraham exhorted his children to do the same, and so did Jacob: "O my children, GOD has pointed out the religion for you; do not die except as submitters."

    [2:133] Had you witnessed Jacob on his death bed; he said to his children, "What will you worship after I die?" They said, "We will worship your god; the god of your fathers Abraham, Ismail, and Isaac; the one god. To Him we are submitters."

    [2:134] Such is a community from the past. They are responsible for what they earned, and you are responsible for what you earned. You are not answerable for anything they have done.

    [2:135] They said, "You have to be Jewish or Christian, to be guided." Say, "We follow the religion of Abraham - monotheism - he never was an idol worshiper."

    [2:136] Say, "We believe in GOD, and in what was sent down to us, and in what was sent down to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Patriarchs; and in what was given to Moses and Jesus, and all the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction among any of them. To Him alone we are submitters."

    [2:137] If they believe as you do, then they are guided. But if they turn away, then they are in opposition. GOD will spare you their opposition; He is the Hearer, the Omniscient.

    [2:138] Such is GOD's system, and whose system is better than GOD's? "Him alone we worship."

    [2:139] Say, "Do you argue with us about GOD, when He is our Lord and your Lord? We are responsible for our deeds, and you are responsible for your deeds. To Him alone we are devoted."

    [2:140] Do you say that Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Patriarchs were Jewish or Christian? Say, "Do you know better than GOD? Who is more evil than one who conceals a testimony he has learned from GOD? GOD is never unaware of anything you do."

    "Say (O Muhammad), 'I do not bring anything new that is different from any other messenger. I have no idea what may happen to me, or to you. I simply follow what is revealed to me. I am no more than a manifest warner.'" (46:9)

    "You shall strive in the cause of God as you should. He has blessed you, and imposed no hardship in your religion; the RELIGION OF YOUR FATHER ABRAHAM. Abraham is the one who named you 'Muslims' in the beginning. Thus, the messenger serves as witness among you, just as you serve as witnesses among the people. Therefore, you shall observe the Salat prayers, give the Zakat charity, and hold fast to God; He is you Lord; the best Lord, and the best supporter." (22:78)

    "Then we inspired you (O Muhammad) to follow the religion of Abraham, monotheism; never was he an idolworshiper." (16:123)

    Prophet Muhammed The Last Prophet,did not bring Islam,Prophet Muhammed Followed THE RELIGION of Prophet IBRAHEEM,(Abraham). however Honourable Prophet Muhammed was given THE BOOK AL-Quran,The Quran teaches that we learned all the religious practices of Islam from Abraham. This includes Salat, Zakat, fasting, and Hajj.




    Islamic Religious Laws explained Glorious Honourable Quran

    and religious Practices Through Ibraheem

  3. No prob friend. We'll certainly help you....

    First of all, what you need to know, is that we muslims have our rulings either from the Quran(our holy book) and from the Sahih Hadith(The authentic traditions of the prophet, recorded in books).

    So, if any person, be it a muslim or a non-muslims tells you something about islam, you have to check wether or not it is found in those above-mentioned 2 sources! If it is nowhere to be found, then it is an invention, and therefore has nothing to do with TRUE islam!

    Thats THE MOST FUNDAMENTAL THING you should know about islam....

    For the rest, consult these 3 very reputable websites:

    Also, have a look at the answers I provided in my Q&A section.

    Feel free to contact me for any other query. I would be very happy to help you.

    And remeber what I told you- always verify the things people tell you about islam, even it be a muslim, as very often, the muslims themselves don't know their religion properly.



  4. Islam:

    Islam (Arabic: الإسلام; al-'islām (help·info); pronounced: [ɪs.ˈlæːm]) is a monotheistic Abrahamic religion originating with the teachings of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, a seventh century Arab religious and political figure. The word Islam means "submission", or the total surrender of oneself to God (Arabic: الله, Allāh).[1] An adherent of Islam is known as a Muslim, meaning "one who submits [to God]".[2][3] There are between 1 billion and 1.8 billion Muslims, making Islam the second-largest religion in the world, after Christianity.[4]

    Muslims believe that God revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad, God's final prophet, and regard the Qur'an and the Sunnah (words and deeds of Muhammad) as the fundamental sources of Islam.[5] They do not regard Muhammad as the founder of a new religion, but as the restorer of the original monotheistic faith of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets. Islamic tradition holds that Jews and Christians distorted the revelations God gave to these prophets by either altering the text, introducing a false interpretation, or both.[6]

    Islam includes many religious practices. Adherents are generally required to observe the Five Pillars of Islam, which are five duties that unite Muslims into a community.[7] In addition to the Five Pillars, Islamic law (sharia) has developed a tradition of rulings that touch on virtually all aspects of life and society. This tradition encompasses everything from practical matters like dietary laws and banking to warfare and welfare.[8]

    Almost all Muslims belong to one of two major denominations, the Sunni (85%) and s**+'a (15%). The schism developed in the late 7th century following disagreements over the religious and political leadership of the Muslim community. Islam is the predominant religion in Africa and the Middle East, as well as in major parts of Asia. Large communities are also found in China, the Balkan Peninsula in Eastern Europe and Russia. There are also large Muslim immigrant communities in other parts of the world, such as Western Europe. About 20% of Muslims live in Arab countries,[9] 30% in the Indian subcontinent and 15.6% in Indonesia, the largest Muslim country by population.[10]


    Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullāh (Arabic: محمّد; Transliteration: Muḥammad;[2] IPA: [mʊħɑmmæd̪]; pronunciation (help·info); also spelled Mohammed or Muhammed)[3][4][5] (ca. 570 Mecca – June 8, 632 Medina),[6] is the central human figure of the religion of Islam and is regarded by Muslims as the messenger and prophet of God (Arabic: الله‎ Allāh), the last and the greatest in a series of prophets of Islam. Muslims consider him the restorer of the uncorrupted original monotheistic faith (islām) of Adam, Abraham, Moses, Noah and other prophets of Islam.[7][8][9] He was also active as a diplomat, merchant, philosopher, orator, legislator, reformer, military general, and, for Muslims and followers of several other religions, an agent of divine action.[10]

    Born in 570 CE in the Arabian city of Mecca,[11] he was orphaned at a young age and was brought up under the care of his uncle. He later worked mostly as a merchant, and was first married by age 26. Discontented with life in Mecca, he retreated to a cave in the surrounding mountains for meditation and reflection. According to Islamic beliefs it was here, at age 40, in the month of Ramadan, where he received his first revelation from God. Three years after this event Muhammad started preaching these revelations publicly, proclaiming that "God is One", that complete "surrender" to Him (lit. islām) is the only way (dīn)[12] acceptable to God, and that he himself was a prophet and messenger of God, in the same vein as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus and other prophets in Islam.[13][14][9]

    Muhammad gained few followers early on, and was met with hostility from some tribes of Mecca; he was treated harshly and so were his followers. To escape persecution Muhammad and his followers migrated to Medina (then known as Yathrib) in the year 622. This event, the Hijra, marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar. In Medina Muhammad managed to unite the conflicting tribes, and after eight years of fighting with the Meccan tribes, his followers, who by then had grown to ten thousand, conquered Mecca. In 632 a few months after returning to Medina from his Farewell pilgrimage, Muhammad fell ill and died. By the time of his death most of the Arabian Peninsula had converted to Islam and he united the tribes of Arabia into a singular Muslim religious polity.[15][16]

    The revelations (or Ayats, lit. "Signs of God"), which Muhammad reported receiving until his death, form the verses of the Qur'an, regarded by Muslims as the “word of God”, around which his religion is based. Besides the Qur'an, Muhammad’s life (sira) and traditions (sunnah) are also upheld by Muslims. They discuss Muhammad and other prophets of Islam with reverence, adding the phrase peace be upon him whenever their names are mentioned.[17] While conceptions of Muhammad in medieval Christendom and premodern times were largely negative, appraisals in modern times have been far less so.[14][18] Besides this, his life and deeds have been debated by followers and opponents over the centuries.[19]

  5. Muhammad (pbuh) was the messenger of God the angel gabriel was sent by god to muhammad to the verses of the koran were read to him over 20 yrs.  

  6. Mohammed was really just a crazy warlord trying to seize power.  

    Mecca at that time was a city where over 300 gods were worshiped. It began when Mohammed wanted to seize power and did so by coming up with his god. Below are the details.


    Mohammed Lived in Mecca and claimed the Archangel Gabriel taught him the ways of Allah.  From Mohammed's dictations, his deciples wrote those teachings down and it became the Koran.  (Why did he have followers before the Koran?  Because he was really just a warlord trying to gain power.)

    Mohammed later moved to Medina, there the Koran continued to be developed, but at this point began to contradict other parts of the Koran.  His solution was to tell everyone that Allah is allowed to change his mind, and that the later teachings take priority over the earlier ones if they contradict.  (This is also the period where it became more violent as Mohammed began to seize and wanted to hold onto his status as the warlord, person in charge).

    The Koran is missing lots of details in the teachings and the events.  Mohammed's solution was the Hadith.  The Hadith provides the details missing from the Koran as dictated by Mohammed and are considered un-challengeable. The Hadith is considered absolute fact, unless it is contradicted by the Koran (of which the Koran rules), and the Koran cannot be challenged unless it is contradicted by other teachings in the Koran of which the later teachings take priority. (This is all very convenient for a warlord trying to seize power and people were just stupid enough to believe it as they are today).

    The weight of Islam is this.  Mohammed just made everything up as a way to seize power, he the Koran and the Hadith are all lies where the "Teachings" are concerned. However, they were also used to record actual historical events and since the Koran at that time was still a living document (being modified) it was written with "teachings" that coincided with the actual events which could be verified. This greatly contributed to the reasons why the later Koran text contradicts the earlier ones, because at this point real events could be applied.


    People, who convert to Islam, are just fools. Especially adults for being so gullible to fall for this just because other people say it, and not having enough intelligence to figure it out. Those individuals are basically just rats in a maze looking for their next piece of cheese.

    If anyone thinks Islam is peaceful, just draw a cartoon of Mohammed and see how many PEACEFUL Muslims threaten to kill you.  They will say it's because it is deeply offensive to them, but that is not an excuse.  It is deeply offensive to American's to think that one's religious views should trump a persons RIGHT to Free Speech, but Americas don't usually threaten to kill people for it.

    The Clerics claim the crowds of people shouting "Death to America" is not following the teachings of Islam, yet when those crowds are out, I have yet to ever see a single cleric out there telling them that, standing against them.


    It is VERY important to remember that EVERYTHING in a Muslims entire life is second to Islam. They will utilize whatever means they have in the interest of Islam because they feel Allah's laws are above everything else, and that they are justified in whatever means they use to help promote it.  If they work in a field containing sensitive data that can be used to promote Islam, they will grab it. If they work at the Department of Motor Vehicles and are looking for someone that is against Islam and they have the means to track them down, they will use it. If they work at a Internet Service Provider and are trying to track down a person who provides anti-islamic stuff on the Internet, they will get the information and use it against people (All of this has happened a lot in recent history). Restricting hiring practices so that it cannot be based on religion was a stupid idea.


    It is the goal of Islam to spread its teachings and impose Islamic law wherever it can and by whatever means it can. It is the specifically stated in the Koran.

    Many go into power, claiming to be Christian and then surprisingly "convert" to Islam.  Once in power they do whatever they can to bring about change that will promote Islam. It may be something extreme but is usually something more subtle such as voting for laws that allow Islam to spread in some way such as allowing public rallies for it where it might be more restricted otherwise. Or in some cases voting to allow a tower with speakers to announce "call to prayer" publicly.  This has happened in several communities around the world that were mostly Christian.  One such example is Mayor Jack Ellis of Macon Georgia in the United States.

    On top of all this, Barack Hussain Obama, is the son of a man who is not only, not an American, but a Muslim. Barack's mother later re-married yet another Muslim, Barack Obama attended a Muslim school up to the age of ten I believe, and yet he claims he is not Muslim. Even if he did convert, are you sure he was not brainwashed enough by the years of teachings. Or perhaps he is waiting until he gets into the office of the President of the United States of America to "convert to Islam" and work on spreading Islamic Law.

    Even if he really is not Muslim and has no intentions, it is just too much of a risk. It is a national security issue and anybody who votes for him is a FOOL.


    Below are some URLs

    Please make educated decisions.


    The only way to solve this is to be inventive.

  7. Islam's first and most important belief is there is no God but Allah and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the final Prophet and Messenger of God.

    For more info on Islam:

  8. Muhammad (saww) is Messenger of Allah

    One GOD-One Message- Adam (as) brought the same message.

    Noah (as) brought the same message.

    Abraham (as) brought the same message.

    Moses (as) brought the same message.

    Jesus (as) brought the same message.

    Muhammad (as) brought the same message.;...

  9. inshallah this website help u

  10. he's a prophet

    love me and everybody

  11. Like 1Qfactor suggested, please visit There you will learn who Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) was and what true Islam is...

  12. The spelling is Muhammad.  He was a prophet of God, just like Jesus, Moses, Abrahem, Isaac, Josef etc.

    Islaam teaches that there is only One God who deserves our worship, and no man or thing should be associated in His worship.  And God doesn't *need* our worship, but *we* need to worship God for our ownselves.

    The Qur'aan tells us that the first man was Adam and Eve(hawaa), and from that time God/Allah send prophets on earth to their own folks, tribes, land, or nation with the same message(to worship one God, and not to associate partners), and over time people have altered what Allah revealed to them through their prophets.  Allah send many prophets and messengers from the time of Adam to Muhammad, and we only know of 25 by name in the Qur'aan.  Muhammad was chosen as the last prophet and messenger of Allah, through whom Allah has completed the religion for all of man-kind and jinns.

    The Qur'aan also confirms that the Bible, Torah etc. were from the same creator, but their original message became corrupt over time by their leaders.

  13. Muhamad is the last prophet.

    We believe in one God.

    We believe that Alquran is the last holy book & each word have been preserved by God.

    We believe in the existence of angels and the doomsday.

  14. The best man that has walked the Earth.

    Muhammad (saw) was the last Prophet of Allah (arabic for God) that was chosen through the archangel Gabriel.

    Muhammad was given the Glorious Qur'an from Allah over 23 years and the religion of Islam officially came to be known....

    Muslims follow the 5 pillars.

    1) Testimony of faith. ("I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and I bear witness that Muhmmad is His messenger.")

    2) Salat (5 daily prayers)

    3) Zakat (charity)

    4) Sawm (Fasting during Ramadan)

    5) Making the pilgrimagae to Hajj (If u can afford it.)

  15. Most will give you links, here are a few:

  16. Bismillahi Rahmani Rahimi - In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful


    Below is a link to a very comprehensive website that goes into great detail about the life of Prophet Muhammad, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him.  God willing you will find it beneficial.  You are welcome to return to ask any questions that arise from what you read.  May Allah bless  you with the best in this world and the next.  Ameen.

    Fi Aman Allah,

    Nancy Umm Abdel Hamid

  17. aw bless u

    well Mohaamda (pbuh) was the last prophet and "sealed" the covenant which was give to Abraham (pbuh) by Allah (saw)

    His coming was also fortold in the bible but many christians ofcourse deny this..

    there are five pillars in islam:

    !1) declaration of faith

    2) salat (praying 5 times a day)

    3) sawm (fasting)

    4) zakat (giving to charity 2.5%)

    5) Pilgrimage to Hajj

    Islam is not the way people think it is...

    as a muslim you cant lie cheat be arrogant steal ect ect.

    u can talk to meeeeee about it if u wanna now more as i come from a muslim family lol

    ooohhhh by the way this website is great!!!!

    it is so helpful an tells u everything abous islam in modern sipmle english.... also at the right hand side of the page they have a live help chat thing where u can talk to them and ask them anything about islam....dnt be shy lol! make sure they are online though :)

  18.   Insha'Allah this link helps you- 

  19. i wondering if theres a way to ban omar from ever coming to ramadhan sec ever again...

    anyways his first revelation was "READ"  yet most of the muslim population live in poor countries and are illiterate...why so?? lets change ourselves...

  20. Muhammad (PBUH) was believed to be a messenger of Allah (swt).

    But now we know he wasn't really a prophet, so there's nothing much to tell you.

    Islam was made approx. 1500 yrs ago by an Arab man, only he knows why, to either take control of his people or simply for power. I thinks it was for both.

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