
Can someone explain to me why Daylight Savings Time occurs?

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Can someone explain to me why Daylight Savings Time occurs?




  1. it happens so farmers have more daylight to work with. they get an extra hour of daylight. oh, and i think the US is the only country with DLST. maybe not, but yeah its makes the time that there is sunlight out later.

  2. It's not a real natural disaster, it's an act of Congress.  I wish they'd stop it.

  3. Ben Franklin proposed Daylight Savings Time so daylight could be best utilized for both portions of the year.

  4. The earth revolves around the sun in an uneven circular patter with 4 points 2 being the same exact distance 1 being slightly farther away from the sun and one being slightly closer to the sun these portray the 4 seasons but during the time around spring and summer the earth receives slightly more sunlight than usual so rather than keeping the same time all year round and having it be 9 at night when it really looks like 6pm they kinda switch up the time so that it coincides with the actual visual time of day and also it helps prevent confusion of peoples every day lives because peoples body actually does rely on the time of day just like how most people feel tired at night and awake in the day naturally.

  5. DST borrows sunlight from the early morning when most people are sleeping, and adds it to the end of the day when most people are awake.

  6. It's a somewhat common myth that Ben Franklin created DST. That isn't the case. It was true that he believed rising early in the morning was good and healthy, and was known for making sometimes whimsicial suggestions that extraordinary measures be taken to ensure people did this, but in his day, time was kept differently in different cities, and accurate schedules didn't exist. An effort to standardize time and changing clocks wouldn't have worked back then.

    It was an englishman named William Willet that proposed the idea of DST in 1905. He felt that many people wasted the best hours of the summer morning and thought that adjusting clocks would help some. Willet died before his idea took hold though. Germany was the first country to use it in 1916 during WW1. Britain and other european countries followed suit, and so eventually did the US. Many countries that lie outside of the tropics use some form of DST. Tropical areas do not need it as the length of the day in those areas does not change much throughout the year.

    The further from the equator you are, the more the length of the day changes throughout the year, with the solstices having the longest and shortest periods of daylight, and the equinoxes having "equal" parts. When the days are long, we adjust our clocks ahead so that we essentially take an hour of daylight from the morning and stick it at the end of the day, where more people are likely to take advantage of it. One of the primary benefits is in energy savings. Most of the electricity used by homes is used between dusk and the time people go to bed. Since DST does not change the time people go to bed, but does change how close dusk is to this time, the extra hour of daylight means one less hour of people having their lights on.

  7. a story from my childhood (back when dinosaurs roamed the Earth), goes that some Senator got caught in a roadblock behind some farmers tractor... the farmer got up at dawn and dawn changed to later and later in the day, so the Senator. knowing the the Natural Order of the Universe always puts Senators ahead of farmers, changed the law to let him get to work before the farmer.

  8. It's a government plan created so that energy is not wasted.  Rather than being asleep while there has been sunlight for hours, then turning on the lights early in the afternoon, the time gets pushed forward or backward an hour.  

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