
Can someone explain to me why Johnny REBEL McCain would pick Sarah Palin as a Running mate?

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I think I've narrowed it down a little.

a) His p***s got the best of him.

b) Blood rushed out of his brain. (To his p***s.)

c) He is attempting to get disgruntled Hillary supporters.

d) Trying to get more in tune with the Conservative base that he has been lacking.

e) Throwing the race.

Personally, I'm thinking, either A or e....




  1. D

  2. I think he wants to get more girl votes. I guess it didn't occur to him that we don't all vote for gender we cote on issues.

    But a,c, && e sound good too.

  3. though your questions are good, you left out the most important and probably the most true.  He did it probably to steal the light from Obama and his speech the night before.  By doing that and putting the nation in shock, he partly made it.  But with a hurricane coming, yea that is not going to happen anyway.

  4. You left out Alzheimers

  5. Sarah Palin is the best out there. Truth is don't be jealous of her because she was picked to be running mate of McCain and Obama prefer playing with other dudes rather than you.

  6. his backers thought he needed a v****a on the team.  They honestly think women are that stupid that they would vote for any woman that ran.  

    edit: Also, I have recently heard McCain called a "Maveric" and "rebel", but as far as I can see he is the same old conservative thing?

    And as far as Palin goes, any woman who  wouldn't support other women's rights to do with their own bodies what they choose is a traitor to all women.

  7. Yeah trying to get educated serious women to vote for a tart?

    Makes sense to him and Viagra, the other white meat.

  8. E.

    Republicans must have realized that this is a change election year, so they are going out in a whimper.  The experienced candidates (Romney, Chris, Ridge, Dole) will be used for a later presidential election.  

  9. All of the above.

  10. c) He is attempting to get disgruntled Hillary supporters.

    d) Trying to get more in tune with the Conservative base that he has been lacking.

  11. D.   doesn't take a genius to figure that one out but it does take someone with at least an average IQ which would explain why you didn't get it.

  12. He was horny...ha ha

  13. Hes too old for A and I pick C!

  14. Honestly, I would say all of the above except e. He does really want to be president so he can make peace and love throughout the world.  

  15. C) but mostly A)

  16. because she has more knackers then Obama and his old white dude whats his name rolled into one.

  17. I think the answer is c.

  18. ANSWER IS OBVIOUS. To irritate a low class foul mouthed person incapable of doing anything other than hurling s*x jokes to capture attention.  My socialist brothers and sisters usually are very  pissed off at the world and their anger comes out as insults and language to show how beneath them most people are and because they belive they are superior (Losers  always do), Like children who are desperate for attention and dye their hair blue these characters jump to s*x for attention. Pity.  P>S>  HIs running mate likes  to shoot and gut Moose.  And race snowmobiles.  Keep up the insults.  I'm not voting for McCain but for sure I can't vote for a socialist european effite who thinks things are terrible.  Justice is the enemy of equality.  " If you don't think that Sadam is a dictator threatening us with the use of weapons of mass destruction and must be stopped, you shouldn't vote for me for President."     John Kerry

  19. more executive experience than Obama.

    The things he talks about, she's actually accomplished (taxing oil profits, balancing a budget, etc., etc)

  20. AB & C

    Because that so called Conservative base he is laking, he already has trust me.

    This desicion was so left field (not in a political kind of way) it's unbelievable.

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