
Can someone explain to me why there is such a vicious attack on Sarah Palin? Are the dems that afraid of her?

by Guest60312  |  earlier

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Mom of 3-She has very strong family values, ie, she is raising a down syndrome baby when many would have aborted him; she's standing by her daughter, Bristol. She's been married to her high school sweetheart for 20+ years. What do you call that?




  1. Remember when pointing a finger at an other, three point back.

  2. Shakespeare said "we hate that which we often fear".   They hate Sarah Palin because they fear her and and what she represents.   Otherwise they would not be so deranged in their hatred.  Where are the attacks on Ron Paul?   That's right, there aren't any, because he doesn't threaten them.

    Barack says back off, and the attacks actually increase.   CNN cut to the story of Obama saying families were off limits, then they went back to Wolf Blitzer, who talked about the Palins for two more hours.

  3. seriously?

    have you forgotten the attacks on hillary,and obama by the cons?

    time to turn off fox entertainment news.

  4. I have not witnessed any vicious attacks from the DEMS.  do you have any examples?

  5. No, but she's a hypocrite and is anti-America that's says a lot about her doesn't it?

  6. The vicious attacks of Sarah Palin are born of fear.  The Hitlerbeast faithful saw their bid at the White House end when Barrack Osama won the demoncrap nomination.  Now a strong conservative, who happens to be female, steps up to the plate and theoretically could be within a heart beat of the presidency...Oh no how could those evil republicans steal our thunder...we're the ones that are supposed to pander to minorities.  The fact that she has more executive experience than Hitlerbeast, Osama, and Biden, combined, doesn't even figure into their tiny liberal thoughts.  The liberal smear machine must discredit/sabotage her in anyway it can before she becomes the first female with a real shot at the presidency. Mom of three girls...Obviously Gov. Palin has one value...she values the lives of unborn babies...oh but that doesn't mesh with your value of "choice"...therefore it cannot possibly be a value, right?

  7. is it because maybe there are some serious issues of hypocrisy going on here? let's look at a few examples:

    - "fights corruption" yet attempts to use personal power to fire a state official.

    - supported the bridge to nowhere before she opposed it

    - campaigned with the corrupt sen. stevens

    - supports a failed abstinence-only and conservative christian teen pregnancy policy that is a clear failure

    - has incredibly little experience and yet is on a ticket with a campaign that has used experience as the biggest attack on its opponent.

    - GOP attempts to paint obama as "anti-america" yet palin and her husband are closely associated with an alaska separatist party.

  8. Because they have absolutely nothing of substance. Just read their stupid questions on YA since Palin was annoounced.  

  9. They are TERRIFIED. I like the way Barry says to leave her alone,yet his minions continue to attack her. He doesn't want to get his hands dirty,so he will leave it up to his kool-aid drinking followers.

  10. they are very scared

  11. nope ~~she has no family values

  12. It has something to do with her being an articulate, conservative female.  They don't want to acknowledge that such a thing exists and will do anything to make her go away.  

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