
Can someone explain what's going on with this Mormons story? It's been weeks since CNN is talking but I don't

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understand. Why so many WEEKS?




  1. Kinda like a new song, news plays it till no one wants to hear it anymore, now is not NEWs it is OLDs

  2. The truth is this.

    This is religious persecution.  (Sorry, it's not pedophilia just because someone makes an anonymous call)

    The court has been "Ordered" by a higher court to release some of the children.

    They do not now, nor have they ever had what is called "probable cause"

    Their raid was illegal and therefore any "evidence" they get is also illegal.

    Get ready for the lawsuits.

  3. If you are talking about the Texas polygamy case, first I want to point out that this group is not Mormon.  The Mormon Church renounced polygamy over a century ago.

    The group is the "Fundamentalist Church of the Latter Day Saints" [FLDS] and they are not members of the Mormon Church.

    The children have remained in foster care, including some young women who may or may not be over 18; due to lies and poor documentation, it's not clear.

    Just today their was a court ruling that Texas had no right to take the children from their families.  It is not clear what exactly will happen next.

    The reason it has taken so long is partly the size and confusing nature of the case, plus the fact that all court cases take time.  People have lied about their names, ages, and which children belong to which parents.  So they have had to do DNA tests and look for birth records.  

    Considering that there are over 400 individual cases, I don't think this will be over even if the families are reunited after the latest court ruling.  I'm quite sure that the state did have some pretty good knowledge of crimes committed, or they wouldn't have done this in the first place [even if the ended up doing it wrong].

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