
Can someone explain what the heck 'A stitch in time saves nine' means?

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I don't understand where that comes from, or the meaning.




  1. It means that fixing a little problem now will save you having to deal with a much bigger problem later.

  2. this is an old proverb. if you have a small tear in fabric and you stitch it up straight away, its fixed. if you leave it, it will get worse.

    applied to life in general, this means that if you have a problem you should sort it out as soon as possible. if you put it off, the problem will become bigger.

  3. When you get a split seam, it will only keep splitting more and more until you sew it shut.  So, a stitch in time prevents your having to do a major sewing job.  Basically, if you fix a problem when it first arises, it will be less work than if you wait.

  4. The meaning posted here is correct, as for the origin of the phrase:

    The first instance of the phrase, "a stitch in time saves nine" appeared in 1732. It was printed in a book called Gnomologia, by Thomas Fuller. It is unknown if he coined the phrase, or simply used a proverb popular during the time. In the 1800's Louisa May Alcott (author of Little Women) brought the phrase back into popularity in a short story she wrote entitled Kitty's Day Class.

  5. It means that a small action taken promptly (A stitch, in time) will save a much larger action if it's put off. (the nine)

    Perhaps it should have been said, "One stitch done as soon as you see a seam beginning to unravel, will save you having to re-sew the entire seam."

  6. your sewing your favorite jeans where the crotch riped out. and every 9 stitches you put an extra when needed. if you didn't put the extra stitch you might have to put 9 more.leaving you hanging with 9 (nine) not saving time.OR having to go back over your work.

  7. It refers to sewing but can be used in a lot of different texts. It means if you take action to do something it can prevent you from having to do more work in the long run.  

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