
Can someone explain what this is?

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All my life i have had dreams that just seemed to stick out from the rest. It seemed like something special in each one. This would then be part of the future. Allow me to give an example. Once i dreamed i was in my front yard at night taking something in from the car, I heard something behind me running, turned and it was a big black dog. The next night i was going inside the house with my arms full of stuff talking to a friend who was helping me. I heard something behind me and there was a black dog like the one in my dream. I had never seen this dog before i had the dream. I would love some incite!!!




  1. My Aunt and little brother have had this kind of foresite. Except everytime it happens to them it's never good. and it normally takes a while for it to happen. but I think it's pretty normal. I hope I don't sound like some weirdly religous person when I say this but your just more spiritually intune with everything.

    Hey some people are some people aren't use this to your advantage and plan ahead.

  2. Wow. A Black Dog?! Just wondering, but what exactly DOES this dog look like? Is it extremely black, and abnormally large? If so, it sounds a lot like the "Black Shuck". (Myths around Europe about a large, black dog - often with either ONE eye the size of a saucer - OR with red eyes. The dog is often vicious, and causes death to those who see it).

    The dog sounds like it's symbolic for something, and if you're having reoccurring dreams - featuring this dog, your subconscious mind is probably trying to tell you something.

    Here's some interesting stuff I found (concerning interpreting the dream for meanings):

    To see a dog in your dream, indicate a skill that you have ignored or forgotten, but needs to be activated. Alternatively, dogs may symbolize intuition, loyalty, generosity, protection, and fidelity. Your own values and intentions will enable you to go forward in the world and succeed. If the dog is vicious and/or growling, then it signifies some inner conflict within yourself. It may indicate betrayal and untrustworthiness. If the dog is dead or dying, then it indicates a loss of a good friend. Alternatively, it represents a deterioration of your instincts. Also consider common notions associated with the word dog, such as loyalty ("man's best friend") and to be "treated like a dog".

    To see a happily barking dog in your dream, symbolizes pleasures and much social activity. If the dog is barking ferociously, then it represents your habit of unnecessary barking at people and the situations around you. It could also mean unfriendly companions. To dream that a dog bites your on the leg, suggests that you have lost your ability to balance aspects of your life. You may be hesitant in approaching a new situation or have no desire to move forward with your goals.

    Black symbolizes the unknown, unconscious, danger, mystery, darkness, death, mourning, hate or malice.

    If the feeling in the dream is one of joy, blackness could imply hidden spirituality and divine qualities.

    (info from

    If you're looking for info about dreams, types of dreams, recalling dreams... etc. I suggest checking out this page, : . You'll find a lot of info there, including lucid dreams, how to HAVE them... and more. The website also had a Dream dictionary where you can look up meanings for your dreams.

  3. it's like a prediction you know and i think it's called clairvoyance(in a way because clairvoyance is used when awake but not asleep). but some dreams are not clear as yours.. you'll have to interpret it first... anyways...  go to this site ..... just look in the article section and also the communicating with the subconscious that should help you a little bit.. okay? and also you  can ask this guys for help if you want register there... bad thing i'm banned!! *cries* they misinterpret my posts!! it's not spamming!!! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!

  4. First of all Hairy beasts and spectral dogs have always held a prominent place in occult lore.Since it was a dream, dogs participate in the larger meaning of beasts or creatures,all of which can refer to our natural selves,in either the positive or negative sense of "animal".Dogs,however,as some of the first domesticated animals,can refer to a wide variety of symbolic meanings,from going along with the "pack," to hunting (dogs "sniff out" the quarry), to loyalty ("man"s best friend"),to abuse("treated like a dog"),to exhaustion ("dog-tired"),to tenacity ("doggedness").also,as animals who guard the underworld,they can be messengers of the unconscious.As with all dream symbols,the tone and setting of the dream indicate which meaning is appropriate.

  5. the answer you have already given yourself. Your dreaming of the future. Suppose you try to interact with your dreams, talk to a person or animal. See what that might do to help you find, what, or whom you may be looking for in your dreams. Okay? Oh and suppose you are dream training yourself to really do some type of rescue. you see it happen in your dream, and you react before a disaster strikes in real life. Did you think of that yet? Oh and look at this webpage...

    you have a gift.

  6. This is a very well-understood phenomenon - let me explain.

    It's very common to have a dream about something - let's say a black dog.  If you don't see a black dog the next day, that's hardly remarkable, and certainly nothing to report.  Equally, it's very common to see black dogs, but not having dreamt about them.  This, too, is commonplace, and certainly no-one would even think of reporting something like "I saw a black dog, but hadn't dreamt about it" - that would be ridiculous.

    It's only on those occasions where one dreams about a black dog and then sees one that it seems worthwhile remarking on.  But one has to counter that with the millions of times either of the other events happens, and goes unreported.

    It's like predicting a dice roll before it happens - of course, some times (approximately one time in six), one's prediction WILL match with actual result.  And then it seems spooky.  But it isn't really, it's just what would be expected by the laws of probability.


  7. Yeah, they are called Precognative dreams. They let you see into what may happen. The human mind is a lot more powerful than some people think.

  8. This is a wonderful gift.  Since you asked your question under the paranormal I would explain it this way ~ there are parallel dimensions. There is a theory that there is no time space as we experience it in our everyday conscious lives, that everything exist all at the same time, and it is only our consciousness that must move sequentially through time. So if this theory is true and there are other dimensions then it is possible that your "dreams" are your glimpses into a future parallel life. Thus some things ~ like being in a particular building ~ you are remembering from the parallel life.

  9. To be honest, this sounds like you are experiencing whats known as selective memory.

    The coincidences are not all as crazy as they seem, you are forgetting all the times that your dreams dont come true, and you are matching them up with situations that only kind of fit. And once in awhile you might hit one that is real close.

    Its like playing the slot machines, if you spin long enough, you will hit a jackpot.

    You are looking for these dream situations in real life, and so you are finding them to some extent.

    If these dreams are truely precognative, then you should start keeping a thoughrough dream journal.

    In this journal leave half a page, so you can go back and fill it in when it actually happens.

    When you fill up the journal, look back and check if the situations actually matched the dreams as much as you thought and see how many actually got fullfilled.

    If the answers are good, then keep up the journal, and you will know things that are going to happen in the future.

  10. sometimes ive had this happen, for me its Som,ething happens in a dream about people and gives mea  feel abou tthem then in real life they start acting that way.  Some think that dreams are premintions of future occurnces

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