
Can someone explain why I had terrible pains in my dream while getting shot and something else..?

by  |  earlier

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Last night I had a dream that I was laying down and some guy took a gun and shot about 30 continuous bullets in my stomach, but when he was shooting me I felt excruciating physical pain in my stomach and I was slowly dying and "passed out" where I guess I died..but the real question is why did I feel such a high level of pain in my dream?

Also, later in the dream I was so terrified because I was an invisible ghost in my house, and everything seemed so real but I knew it was a dream, because I remember my mind telling me to wake up and I actually tried physically waking up but I couldn't. It was almost like I was trapped in my dream. It seemed as though I was suffocating, and it's like I had a weight on my eyes. Why couldn't I wake up?




  1. I've had nightmares that i've tried to wake up from. I really struggle to shake myself out of them only to realise that I am actually still in them. This only happens when I am taking anti-depressants or trying to wean myself off them though.

    Pain in dreams may actually mean that you really did experience pain in your stomach. Perhaps you suffered bad cramping after a heavy meal shortly before going to bed or you may have an ulcer forming. Perhaps you should check it out at a doctors. Don't tell him that you only feel pain in your dreams though, they might send you to the wrong type of hospital. lol.

  2. i've felt pain while dreaming too, but im not sure why there's pain. it's probably just your brain tricking you. also, there's been tons of times when i was asleep and wanted to wake up. to wake myself up, i would concentrate on moving my head, and sometimes the slightest turnings of my neck would wake me up (trust me, it's absolutely not easy to move while sleeping!)

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