
Can someone explain why Mexican illegals seem to always be portrayed as the only illegals?

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I read somewhere that the greater number of illegal immigrants currently in the U.S are from Canada and Asia. If this is so, then why is it that most of media reports always have video of Mexicans or Latinos being deported?




  1. Mexicans are over exposed as illegals and that explains why they seem to be the dominant illegals as coming from a neighboring country.

  2. You read wrong, the VAST majority of all illegals in the U.S. are from Mexico, you can't argue with statistics.  Plus, how many illegal Canadian or Asian illegals have you heard of creating a stink, demanding rights they don't deserve, and protesting in the streets with violence, not very many.........unlike other illegals from south of the border.

    It's pretty hard to get video of a Canadian deportation when there aren't that many Canadian illegals to begin with.

  3. Did you read this?

    And looks like no one is doing it yet, no suprise.

  4. Because they make up the bulk of illegal aliens, contrary to what you may have heard.  I am against ALL illegals, whether they be from Mexico, Canada, Argentina, Zimbabwe, France, etc.

  5. The majority of the criminal illegal alien invaders ARE Mexican.  Where ever you got your information about the majority being from other countries is incorrect.

    Please post the link where you obtained the information.

  6. Where is your proof that most illegals come from Canada and Asia??

    I know for a fact that this is categorically not true. Yes there are illegal immigrants from all walks of life, but lets be realistic here. Canadians have no real reason to migrate illegally. They relatively have the same opportunities as Americans minus the influx of taxes they have to pay.

    So let's not make stuff up about illegal immigrants here. It is a proven fact that the majority of illegal immigrants come from South America including Mexico.

  7. Because they are jelous of our perfect tans?

  8. Several reasons.

    In the USA many people hate Mexicans. Also, Mexicans were protesting and waving the Mexican flag. Bad idea

    Besides, many people in the USA think that all illegals who are not WASP come from some place south of the border called Mexico, where people are short, dark, and speak a very primitive language called Spanish

  9. Because there are soooooooooooooooooooooo many of them. People always notice the majority more than the minority.

  10. because they are causing the most problems, mooching off of US tax payers

  11. Because of all the Spanish language stuff and they seem to be the most flagrant about it (they don't seem to understand the concept of laying low when they are breaking the law).

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