
Can someone explain why a lot of folks think environmentalists are at fault for decreased oil supply?

by  |  earlier

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It's my understanding that there are fewer family owned refineries since large oil companies bought them & closed them down to pinch supply. It's also my understanding that many refineries have remained closed for "maintenance". Same reason.




  1. Most people blame environmentalists for the stricter gasoline standards they have lobbied for. Stricter standards equals more costs to the producer and higher prices as such. From the environmentalist's standpoint, stricter standards are a success. From the perspective of the companies who sell the gasoline, it is not pleasant, but they can pass most of the added costs to consumers since the demand for gasoline is inelastic. From the perspective of consumers, they must pay higher prices , but get cleaner air. So the real issue here is how much does society value clean air. If you really value the air, suck it up and pay the higher prices.

  2. it could be because environmentalists block new drilling,nuclear power,wind power,solar power,because they harm animals or bugs so we can't use any other forms of energy to take up the slack

  3. I don't think you are missing a thing.

    It is a classic distraction technique.  Why invest in the real problem (refineries, oligopolies, foreign oil policy, etc.) when you can just blame environmentalists.

    There are a wide variety of environmentalists.  Some (like me) think that we should save ANWR for when we REALLY need gas instead of burning it up in SUVs or making it more affordable to run to the store back and forth.  I also advocate more public transportation.  We are a nation with an infrastructure built around cheap oil and it's gotten to the point where we are insanly dependent on it.  Complete dependence on anything is bad.  This "environmentalist" advocates diversity in energy.

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