
Can someone explain why auditing companies send auditors and then they leave and then send different ones back

by  |  earlier

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Our company hired some auditors to come audit the company, obviously. In May, there were about 3 girls (who i am pretty sure were the first auditors..) Then, the 2nd week of June, 3 guys came. Today, 1 of the guys is still here, and the other 2 are gone, replaced by 2 VERY obnoxious girls. Why did the place they work for replace the other 2 guys with these new girls? They are very annoying and I was interested in one of the other guys....will they be back? How does this work???




  1. I assume this is a Big 4-audit firm (because it's typical for them). They send their juniors to their clients so the juniors can learn.

    They have a big name so they can get away with it but it does sucks for their clients.

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