
Can someone (fat) be pushed so far to actually make them commit suicide? ?

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can you just insult a person SO much and they begin to hate life so much they commit suicide? =[

5 feet and 130 pounds?




  1. yes. it can happen.

    but i don't think that you are fat.

  2. It happens occasionally. If you would like to lose several pounds, easily, see section 56, at

  3. Yes.

    And it has happened

    Heres a link to an article about a 13 year old girl who commited suicide from excessive bullying

  4. I'm sure it does happen...  It shouldn't happen tho!!  Nothing is worth taking your own life.  Life gives you many opportunities to reinvent yourself!

    Plus, that isn't fat at all!  I'm 5 ft 3 and almost 170.  Though I don't look "fat" I definitely look overweight.  I'd love to be 130!

  5. Yes.  Its sad but if you pick on people enough they begin to feel life is not worth it.  If you are the big girl I urge you not to pay attention to the waste of space kids picking on you as high school ends and everything changes.  If you are the picker on-er I say knock it off because you never know if that kid will go suicidal or homicidal. Its never nice to pick on people or to be picked on.

  6. It depends on the individual circumstance. Make fun of a fat person after he's just had lots of s*x will be unlikely to commit suicide. Now make fun of a fat person who had just lost his job, wife and kids and yes, he might commit suicide.

    We all just need to be a bit more sensitive to other's feelings, and I believe this would be a better world to live in.

  7. ive thought about it...your not fat..

    i learned not to let anybody bring me down...but i got tired of it so i started running and i think im losing weight... im

    6 feet 260 pounds =]

    well that was like a month ago.. i dont know how much iv lost... =]

    im happier now and i know ill be happier later =]

  8. its possible if the person has low self esteem n has no friends or anyone to tuern to for advice

  9. well i have an eating disorder thanks to people and the media

    ive been called fat since yr 4

    and i have cut my self more than 20times

    and tryed to kill my self uncessefuly more than 10 times.

    im ok now thought and i am in recovery.

    sticks and stones may brake my bones but word will make me starve myself.


  10. I think that it depends on how sensitive the person is...

    Some people can get depressed quicker than others.

    Insulting someone to that extent is horrible though... ggggrrrr!

  11. Happens all the time.

    5' 130 pounds ranks on the BMI scale as a 25.4.

    Underweight = <18.5

    Normal weight = 18.5-24.9

    Overweight = 25-29.9

    Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater  

  12. People commit suicide for a number of reasons.  They feel as if they can't continue on with their life because they feel so much pain.  Often those who are suicidal don't express to their family that they are having these problems.  They feel that nobody else but them will understand.  But it's really important to reach out to someone that they trust who can, if the person is willing, to seek treatment for their depression.  Being depressed is no laughing matter.  It's a mental condition that can be treated.  There is hope for a depressed person.

  13. There are all kinds of complex reasons why people decide to end their own lives. Often its connected with conditions such as depression and mental illness (e.g. bipolar, schizophrenia). I dont' think anyone knows for sure the actual cause of depression, but it is a widespread and little understood problem. If you are feeling depressed (especially if you're thinking about suicide), speak to someone you trust, or go see a counsellor.  


  14. No..It is ridiculous if that matters you a lot. Ignore comments. You be yourself.It is not a sin be fat. I have seen fat people living happily. They are the jolly people. So if somebody is fat first of all nobody has the right to insult them. If so please ignore!!

  15. yes you can

  16. No no no! Stop! My friend I went to highschool with, handsome, athletic, funny commited suicide last year. Why do you care what other people are saying to u? Ignore them, you know what! You go lose that weight and then when those pathetic a******s starrt running after you spit in their face.

  17. 5 ft 130 lbs is no excuse to kill yourself, you aren't even fat.

    If you don't like the way others view you, however, you should attempt to change it by eating healthy and exercising, but don't let it get you down... especially when you aren't even fat!

  18. 5 feet 130???????? that is by NO MEANS FAT! there are so many people out there that are morbidly obese that would love to be that weight. dont let STUPID PEOPLE  get you down!!!

  19. yes-people are cruel and it does happen.-but 5 ft and 130 lbs isnt fat.

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