
Can someone from children services answer this question?

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when children service takes children from the parents and is eventually put up for adoption, is the parents supose to lose their custody? my sister put her petition in to get her grand kids and they went to court yesterday. the mother of the 3 boys lied her azz off. the judge ruled no on my sisters part. i told her to repatition it. why was the mother there? and why did she not lose custody of the kids? by the way, children services also lied. all my sister tried doing was keep the boys with family. the mother is strung out on drugs and would rather the state get them.




  1. mom is right regarding the first step of seeking legal guardianship.  God bless your sister!  Your little nieces and nephews are lucky to have you ladies in their turbulent lives.  Just last week, a girl friend petitioned the court for legal custody of her sister's daughter.  The sister is also undependable, uneducated (by choice), immoral lifestyle, record with having trouble with the law, drug and alcohol (excessive) user, pregnant get the picture.  She won!  All of the reasons were well documented.  you need a serious trail of paperwork about the mother and the person wanting to take custody.  Good luck!

  2. Hi Summer,

    I commend your sister's efforts to keep those children with their extended family if it's not possible to stay with their immediate family.

    Something to keep in mind is that the mother is still the mother.  She has a right to work with the system in efforts to regain custody of her children.  That would be the most desirable outcome.  

    Another thing to know is that the term "neglect" is often loosely used as a reason to take children and ultimately make them available to other people who cannot have children.   Sad but true, there is a great financial incentive to not return children to their proper homes, but to release them for adoption because there are child quota goals to meet and there are huge amounts of money exchanged for every child that gets adopted by somebody else.

    If this is a case of the natural family truly being incapable of ever providing care for their own children again, then yes, your sister would be eligible to petition for custody.  Preference should always be given to family members before children are placed with complete strangers.  Permanent damage is almost certain to result in the short & long-term with those.

    The best interests of the children is supposed to be what guides decisions.  Sometimes that happens, & sometimes not.

    Good luck to her, hope she is able to keep the family together.


    reunited adoptee

  3. the system would rather let the mom keep the kids than take them away, no matter what. so if the mom wants the courts 2 have them then the courts will take them. if a family member wants them they would rather a family member take them. if the childrenget put up 4 adoption then the mother will loose her rights...but there is a lot of time 2 fight it in between..if she gets the kids again, then she should file 4 temporary orders of gaurdianship...

  4. she owns them they cant make them for adoption they are hers!!! if they took my away do you know what i would do i would make the social service who took my children away a night mare thats what my friend sister done and she had them back again example she could avertise that the children service is harmfull cc..........

  5. I don't work for social services but I can tell you that until a parents rights have been terminated by the Court - the child cannot be adopted.

    The courts will almost always err on the side of the birth parent.  Unless there was evidence that these children are in harms way and proof that social services lied, there really isn't anything she can do.

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