
Can someone from the uk immigrate to the USA to become a cop?

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if they are NOT a cop in the uk

and if yes what age do you have to be




  1. There are two ways to come to the US and be employed. One is with a green card, the other way is with a work VISA.

    Being from the UK,  you are SOL with the green card route. Green cards are obtained through a diversity lottery. UK citizens are excluded since there are already tons of Brits residing in the US.

    The other way is through a work VISA. You need to be sponsored by and employer to get one. I really doubt you will get sponsored by police department. In some places (like NYC) you need to be a resident of the city to get the job.

  2. no you can only migrate to the US

  3. To have any chance of being a policeman in the US you are going to need to be US citizen. If you're not one already you are going to need to get "naturalized". This probably means you need to obtain a "Lawful Permanent Residence" (Green Card). Broadly once you have lived in the US for 5 years you can apply to become naturalised which means applying on a form and appearing before a judge and explaining why you want to become a US citizen. You will need to be able to speak, read and write English properly and you will need a basic (testable) knowledge of US history. On success you may then apply to the State Police Force of your choice. By the time you have accomplished this you are bound to be old enough. This is my understanding in very general terms and it may make a difference (in a good way) if you have special skills to offer or (in a bad way) if you have a criminal record or a drug abuse history.

  4. You can apply for some police departments in the USA if you are a non-citizen. However, you must be a permanent resident that is eligible for and has applied for citizenship. The Los Angeles Police Department and the San Diego Police Department are examples. Minimum age requirements vary in the USA from 18 to 21. Check out for excellent information and advice about becoming a police officer.

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