
Can someone get a disease from eating ox brain?

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My friends love the boiled ox brain served in several Persian and Asian kitchens here in Metro Manila. I'm just curious if there are any contractable diseases from digesting too much. I think I read in a Guiness BOWR book before that some cannibalistic tribes have died of a certain "laughing disease." Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Thanks.




  1. Being an ex butcher I would say NO. Ox brains and Sheep brains are sold and eaten around the world and I'm sure to sell them would not be allowed by the DPI  if this was so.

    However this may be different where 'Mad Cow Disease' was but that would defiantly not be Laughing disease.

      I believe Laughing disease was spread amongst the canables because they actually ate their dead . The brain was regarded as a delicacy and was eaten without being cooked. If it had been cooked the disease would not have been passed on.

  2. i dont know if you can get sick from it but it sure sounds like a nasty thing to eat.. Yuk!!

  3. MAD COW

  4. CJD is a real possibility.

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