
Can someone get married in the Vatican (in Italy)?

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or do you have to be from a noble blood?




  1. Yes you can be married in the Vatican in Italy, with the proper planning.  Listed below are a couple links that give you information regarding it.  I hope this helps.  Best of Luck and have a Great Day!!

  2. Is there another Vatican city? and if so, where? and who would want to get married by someone who sits in his bath looking down on the unemployed?

  3. What Ho.

    I am a C of E bloke by religion, but married in the downtown Muslim Mosque in Muscat, to my RCath wife.

    So I have no religious barriers to cross.

    As for the Popes' place, I am sure that he would give the thumbs up to using a Vatican chapel.

    I am not of "Noble Blood", as you put it, but mentioning that my great-great grandfather was the Earl of Tavistock perhaps pulled a few strings.

    Have a 'phone call with the Vatican PR office.

    Their no. is in the books.

    All the best with it,

    Bob the Venice Boat.

  4. yes you can. there is a side chapel in st peters. both people must be catholic, neither can have had children, you have to cover up really well (no off the shoulder dresses) and some other terms and conditions. but no, you dont have to be someone important, once you meet certain catholic conditions, any joe soap can get married there.

  5. someone can

  6. You have got to be joking,its easier to get into Fort Knox...

  7. Anyone who is Catholic, meets the requirements and follows all the rules/regulations/paperwork can be married at St. Peter's in the Vatican. The rules and paperwork however make it very onerous for all but the most devoted to do so.

    The easiest way to arrange your marriage at the Vatican (unless you know somebody) is to go through The Church of Santa Susanna in Rome (this is the American Catholic Church). Here is a link to their site about weddings in Rome.

    Feel free to contact me if you want more information regarding getting married in Italy in general. I have organized many weddings for foreigners here and I was married in a Catholic ceremony here in Italy. I can assist you with all the paperwork and arrangements if you need that.

  8. it would probably cost a lot of money if you could!  it's the Catholic religion after all...

  9. yes you can get married at the vatican but i think you have to be somewhat up there in the social rank. or at least pay a lot for the wedding.

  10. if you ask pope

  11. You need a special permit from the Pope.

  12. sure any one can get married anyway they like wherever they like.

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