
Can someone give an example of how people in control tryto manipulate others inthe name of community standards

by  |  earlier

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I am writing a paper and I am not sure if racism would be an example or not.. Could someone please help. I would greatly appreciate it.




  1. The only think that springs to mind has to do with alcohol and the stupidity of drunks  ....where they may well feel capable and free enough to allow themselves to injured, and then to be abusive to A/E staff  ~  to throw up in the street etc, and have the mindless ignorance to 'EXPECT' others to accept this ~ AND to 'clear up' and 'clean up' after them if they were children who messed their nappies.


  2. The media & advertising could be something you could look at.

    The media manipulates society into buying products through flashy sales advertisements, directly targetting what type of audience they want to buy those products via their sales pitch.

  3. by giving false advertisements or false information to get whatever they want.. maybe by telling them they are going to do something for them if they do a certain thing.

    do mine

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