
Can someone give me a detailed overview on the three different theories on the origins of life?

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The creation theory, the evolution theory, and the intelligent design theory




  1. LOL.  Creationism and Intelligent Design are not theories.  Evolution does not cover the origin of life.

  2. emucompboy is exactly right.  None of those three are theories about the origin of life.   Creationism and Intelligent Design are not theories.  And Evolution is a theory, but not about the origin of life.

    (Hint:  Evolution is about how life *CHANGES*, not how it *began*.)

  3. Creationism and ID are pretty much the same thing. And neither of them are scientific theories.

    To be a scientific theory, a theory has to fit the following three criteria:

    - Parsimony. It must be the simplest explanation which fits the known data.

    - Predictiveness. It must make predictions which can be tested.

    - Falsifiability. It must, in principle, be able to be disproved by experimentation.

    Creationist ideas fit none of these. It is not parsimonious, as it posits the existance of a creator or designer of some sort (which must neccessarily be more complex than the thing designed). It makes no predictions which can be tested. And it is not falsifiable, as you cannot disprove the existance of a supernatural being.

    Evolution IS a scientific theory, but it does not describe the origin of life. Evolution describes how life changes over time, not how it began.

    For a scientific theory on the orrigin of life, you should read up on Abiogenesis - which IS a scientific theory for the origin of life. The wikipedia entry gives a good introduction to the field.

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