
Can someone give me a few good science fair topics?

by Guest58642  |  earlier

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I have to do a science fair project for school and I'm not quite sure what topic I want to do. The only thing is I have to be able to do an no topics dealing with outer space or the inside of the Earth or anything else that I wouldn't be able to experiment on.




  1. A successful topic I did once was static electricity. The experiment was to find out what kind of material would create the most static electricity when rubbed on a balloon. I think i tested taffeta, fleece, a sheet of plastic, a jar opener and probably something else that i forgot.

    Anyway, you can use any materials you choose.

    The way I tested it was to rub the material on a freshly blown balloon and then count the number of paper hole punches the balloon picked up after that. It was an extremely effective method.

    I almost got the best in show award when I did this experiment (but didn't because I was too lazy to rerun the experiment before the district science fair thing to collect another round of data)

    It's a great experiment because it's fun to research (if you're doing a research paper in addition?) and the experiment itself won't cost you a bunch of money or time.

    P.S. Sorry for the wordy answer. :)

  2. The focus now is on energy. Show a study of battery life vs battery weight for a given electrical load. The data needs to be corrected for voltage level. For example: report time to 3/4, half, 1/4  charge. You need to collect a few diverse battery styles for your experiments. Also, test at various temps: RT, cold condition, hot condition.

    Perhaps some battery suppliers can give you some samples for your testing and reporting.

  3. Good for you, look outside the box aside from volcanos and Earth's plate tectonics ;) My advice would be looking into creating a model for alternative energy or solar cooking...check this out:

    Here's where you can find this and other ranges for science fair experiments.  Look into it, have fun, and good luck!

    Let me know if this helps!

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