
Can someone give me a guidance on what ISO9001:2000 require for accreditation!?

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I need to set up systems to achieve ISO9001:2000.





  1. Let's say you sell lead life preservers. To get ISO9001:2000 accreditation, you must make sure each life preserver contains precisely the same amount of lead. You need to develop written procedures to ensure that every employee puts in the same amount of lead in the same way. You need to specify the type of lighting and tools required, because otherwise someone might not put in enough lead and one of the life preserves might do something crazy like float.

    You need materials standards. When you get a new shipment of lead, someone has to make sure that it's the right kind of lead. There has to be a paper trail so that if some of the lead is defective, you can tell which supplier it came from, who approved the shipment, and so on.

    Make sure to have regular internal audits and meetings. Topics of discussion should include why your customers keep drowning. When people complain that your life preservers don't even float by themselves, you must create a complicated paper trail documenting how many complaints you received, statistically analyzing them, and so on.

    Make sure you keep documents up-to-date. If you decide to add more lead to the life preservers, you need to make sure that everyone who is putting the lead in the preserves knows the new standards and is trained to follow the new procedures. Perhaps you need to weigh each life preserver before it goes out.

    That's basically how you do it.

  2. The key thing to remember is that the Quality Management System is there to help your run your business better. It shouldn't become an end in itself. The danger is that if you design the systems yourself they will become laborious and your staff won't use them. Your best bet is to get an external consultant to work with you on this. The consultant will advise on the key elements and can even attend the audit with you to help get you through.

    We spent months trying to implement the system on our own with no success. Eventually we employed a consultant and got through the audit first time and with no non-conformities.

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