I mean it sounds stupid or depressed or whatever, but it's rather an intelligent question. There really is no point to being here other than...what we make of it, if we want to do hobbies, have fun, have s*x, relationships, families, bla bla bla,,
but there is no real purpose or reason for us to be here.
We just are. We were born, now we're thinking entities, and that's that.
We just exist, and what not.
But techncailly..there is no real solid point, taking away the religious or superficial/shallow things like "ommggg but life is so like cool".
If you really get down and serious about it,
there really is no point to this. It's oftentimes annoying, you get sick, bad things happen, as do good things but ultimately,
it's just...pointless.
No point to this whatsoever.
All the things we care about, the things we do, the things we want, everything.
Not to mention the BIGGEST reason,
b/c in this life, anything and everything goes and happens.
It's an unbelievably corrupt, shady, and turbulent world.
It's absolutely mind-boggling insane, rapid-pace, unfair, unjust, cold....
you name it, it's the way it is.
The only guarantee is more b8llshit, and death.
Plus it doesn't help that 80% of humanity SUCKS majorly, and are greedy, self serving etc.
THis experience might be the only one we'll ever know too, but all in all,
witnessing how ugly nature is,
and witnessing how ugly human behavior can be,
why bother with this place?
This might as well be h**l itself.
Did you see how disguisting insects, bacteria, viruses, spiders, snakes, etc are?
GOD created that?
SO after that nice little rant,
what's the point of living here, and putting up with unfair everything and the ruling intellectual and shady as h**l elite, and pretending that it's all good???
When we're getting played every minute of every day, and continue to lead poinless lives, controlled by the media and other influences,
and just waste our lives away, dealing with bs, and doing our thing and getting old.
Any serious answers?