
Can someone give me a non-shallow, non-religious reason for bothering to continue to live life?

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I mean it sounds stupid or depressed or whatever, but it's rather an intelligent question. There really is no point to being here other than...what we make of it, if we want to do hobbies, have fun, have s*x, relationships, families, bla bla bla,,

but there is no real purpose or reason for us to be here.

We just are. We were born, now we're thinking entities, and that's that.

We just exist, and what not.

But techncailly..there is no real solid point, taking away the religious or superficial/shallow things like "ommggg but life is so like cool".


If you really get down and serious about it,

there really is no point to this. It's oftentimes annoying, you get sick, bad things happen, as do good things but ultimately,

it's just...pointless.

No point to this whatsoever.

All the things we care about, the things we do, the things we want, everything.

Not to mention the BIGGEST reason,

b/c in this life, anything and everything goes and happens.

It's an unbelievably corrupt, shady, and turbulent world.

It's absolutely mind-boggling insane, rapid-pace, unfair, unjust, cold....

you name it, it's the way it is.

The only guarantee is more b8llshit, and death.

Plus it doesn't help that 80% of humanity SUCKS majorly, and are greedy, self serving etc.

THis experience might be the only one we'll ever know too, but all in all,

witnessing how ugly nature is,

and witnessing how ugly human behavior can be,

why bother with this place?

This might as well be h**l itself.

Did you see how disguisting insects, bacteria, viruses, spiders, snakes, etc are?

GOD created that?



SO after that nice little rant,

what's the point of living here, and putting up with unfair everything and the ruling intellectual and shady as h**l elite, and pretending that it's all good???

When we're getting played every minute of every day, and continue to lead poinless lives, controlled by the media and other influences,

and just waste our lives away, dealing with bs, and doing our thing and getting old.

Any serious answers?




  1. You may not think this is a serious answer.

    but I think the entire purpose is to enjoy the journey, and to learn along the way.

    nothing more complicated than that.


    BTW,  you seem to go to all or nothing quickly, without sufficient evidence.

  2. Earth is like h**l?

    It is h**l and i don't mind being in h**l you just have to learn how to dance with the devil. Clear your mind of all the goody shat and let the bad make good for you and you can deal with this bullshat. Your right though whats the point of being here we are always let down and nothing is promised. But your gotta look at the real point in life and that is you got one life.

  3. well you do make a lot of good points.. so many that i didnt finish reading them all... but i feel that if you can change just one other person's life in a positive way then you have a purpose. yeh there are a lot of horrible things out there... but you could try to make someone else's time here better.

  4. Your right if don't want a serious answer.  Yeah it is h**l and that's all it will be.  Everything is pointless.  I felt the same way.  Until I asked God if he was real and to prove it to me.  I don't have religion, I have a relationship with a real God because he proved to me that He is real.  I dare you to ask him to prove himself to you.  What do you have to lose?  You scared?

  5. good point...this just makes me want to be crazy. hahaha.

  6. puff puff PASS that third hit is messin you up man!!!

  7. Tough question..Im gonna take a stab at it.

    I find that the only true reason for dealing with all the c**p we put up with in life is to with any luck, make someone elses h**l a little bit more tollerable.

  8. really? give me as many thumbs down as you want but you need a major kick in the ***. ok look around you. yeah people are currupt so things arent perfect. but what the h**l? how can you not see the incredible beauty of this life? even rain... so its not the sun but its beautiful. we make mistakes. but how bout instead of sitting around here ranting about it ever think that  maybe your here your on this earth for a reason?? maybe yeah its a sucky world but you were put here to do your part in making it better? seriously. you dont understand how blessed you are. how can you not see that. im not perfect and im not trying to be all self righteous. its not like that. it just breaks my heart to see someone as blind as you.

    we have music we have color we have nature we have LOVE for christs sake!


    whatever. the ten points doesnt even matter just think about what i have to say.

  9. because there's SOMEBODY in  your life that would be really upset if you weren't here.  

  10. I have enough reasons to hate this life and wanting it to end but I think that suicide is a coward's way.   If I think in another way I have enough reasons to love this life - you see for me I've realised that how I feel or react is my choice.  If you read my posts you will see the trauma I have been enduring.   Today I worked and shared some very intense emotional connection with people who are in end life stage and struggling.  I shared tears and laughter and I know today especially I had made a significant difference in someone's life and I will never see this person again but I know she will miss me and I her.  Future time and place it will happen again and I will know that if I wasn't at that time and place and never created that experience of closeness and connection that person would be a little sadder or alone.   So I think, today,  for me the reason for living is to be of service to others even if for a brief moment of joy or tears.    Tomorrow when the sun is shining on the glistening icy grass as I drive to work or if I see that frisky red fox dash across the road again like last week then that will be my reason for living.   Every day is a different opportunity for joy, or grace, or gratitude, or giggles or even tears.    In the past it was the shear joy of craddling and caring for my child.   Who knows what my future days will be - but if my life ended today that would be it- kaput- no more, just a silence and maybe even not missed.  What am I trying to say - every day counts for something if only we notice, or experience it.  It's up to me what I do, how I feel, and if I love or hate my day.   Thanks for the question I enjoyed thinking about my day and sharing as I've had a really shocking week and it was getting to me.  Today was worth it.   We just don't know what's ahead of us.

  11. why continue living?

    living is not a right, it is in fact a privilege

    you can choose to throw this privilege up especially if all you are being is a burden to society and to the world

    you can choose to make a difference or to live your life peaceably or you can choose to drag everyone else down and be miserable

    which do you prefer?

  12. we live to bring happiness to others to pursue our goals and fall in love with that special someone. If that is not a reason enough for you to live i think you should get out there and find something to enjoy let it be your goal finding what to live for.or you just got the d**n depression.

  13. I thought of this as well,and then i knew i was thinking too darn much!

  14. Wow ive been asking this one for a while, didnt think anyone else cared.

    i figured it out a while ago too (belive it or not).

    ok i was sitting there bored out of my mind and i was considering all the possibilities of life and what i could do with mine and i extended my thoughts to "what if theres no end to it all, what if, no matter what i do theres just no end to it, the universe is supposed to just keep expanding and collapsing over and over for all eternity?" then it popped i just couldnt give a $&*! why should i care about something so trivial as my own life, im not gunna make an impact, no one is! i could go outside with aknife and end other ppl too, it wouldnt matter in a few hundred years. then i looked deeper, seeing all this made me think why should i give a c**p about the universe and everything around me, given that its everything around me that makes me angry/confused. so i went into the kitchen and made a cuppa tea and sat down and played some video games, then i was happy. dont worry about everything, just  do what makes you happy (as long as you dont hurt anyone in the proccess) THE END

  15. everyone thinks this world sucks and it can only offer to you the worst of the worst, but they haven't thought about themselves...that everyone in this earth that has no purpose and direction in life and doesn't do anything but just lay down and complain, is also part of the major cause why the world sucks at all.....

    the world will never change for you dude,..

    you change....

    -mentally first.

    everyone human being here on earth just get the share the same trash from this world, and alot of people doesn't realize that thats why they think that this world is so unfair...

    Only those who live their life to its fullest and to its best, who treasures good things and forget the worst things, and those who know how to use their head properly...... they're the only one who's gonna survive this BIG D*** WORLD!

  16. Life is a learning lesson. Open your eyes to the bigger picture. There is so much beauty in the world but you can't see the forest because of all the trees. I am a 49 year old cancer survivor. I also 49 years old. I have 3 medical problems that have made me think about suicide for more years than I can remember. In doing so to me would be like leaving in the middle of a movie cause you think it sucks. If you leave you'll never find out what the ending was. The movie might just turn out to be good.

    Do you think your the only one that has the thoughts your thinking.

    To me it sounds as if your in a rut. Climb out, go do things. Enjoy what little time you have before they throw dirt on your face.

    With all my problems I'm probably one of the most happy people you might ever meet. Why, because I know just how short life might be.  

  17. Well you already have it (life), so why not just make good use of it? And it's gonna expire anyway, eventually, taking one's life will merely hasten the inevitable. So just have fun with it since it's already there. ^,..,^

  18. "you are alive" is a redundant and senseless statement in my mind.... "alive" is not  characteristic that describes "you" or exists separately from you.... it is a the entire sphere of your existence is a subset of "alive"... in other words if you are not alive you are nothing... that means you don't even have the satisfaction of sacrificing yourself at the altar of self-righteous contempt for human beings or thumbing your nose at life in general....

    umm for me.... i would like to negotiate the complex and intriguing phenomenon that is life for just a little bit longer.... because i am assured an infinity to experience the nothingness of death...

  19. Everything has a reason.

    This is all I can tell you: experience everything you can while you are living (I don't mean doing crime) I mean experience everything life has to offer.

    God created problems because it's kind of a test for us on how we solve the problems.

    I don't believe it either, but even BUGS have purposes. They are food to insect-eating animals, so if they're gone, the food chain will be destroyed.

  20. I'm not going to bring In religious sentimentalism, because frankly, i think its bull.

    What is the point to live...

    To endure all the stupid fanatics and idiots out there?

    I do not live in the hope to go to heaven.

    I do not live to be brought back.

    I live in knowledge that my impact on the world will make someone else's h**l that much sweeter.

    I could be labeled as greedy or self-serving.

    But in my short life I will not pay heed to such insults, for I live to make a difference.

    You will not live forever in the kingdom of heaven, but in the hearts of other mortals.

    Do not search for a point to life, instead search for a purpose.

    In the end we are all simply dust in the wind.

    But it is that dust that helps carve out the mountains and valleys.

    The point of your life is determined by none other than you, and the purpose of your life is what makes it what you will become.

    It is possible to die happy and satisfied, and to most people, that is good enough.

  21. why did you answer your own question ? but you are right. in the big picture of things it is pointless. what keeps us from killing ourselves? selfish pursuit of physical and mental pleasure

  22. I've thought about this a long time ago. I'm glad I'm not the only one. You are basically right -  

    We aren't smart enough to figure anything MAJOR out.-

    We just exist and question yet we don't get THAT far as of yet,.

    AS i was thinking about this thought that you are talking about I came to the conclusion the only purpose of living is to BREED. MATE to keep the population going.

    That is it. - Animals. Same sequence and purpose of the universe from the smallest ant/microbe to the human population.

    OR there is a greater meaning to it all= another possibility.

    It's like everything is pointless yet has meaning ALL AT ONCE.

    A huge riddle that can't be solved by the human mind.

  23. sometimes it is life's little blessings, like today a little boy was crying because he got hurt, i gave his mom a couple of band-aids knowing that it would make him stop crying

  24. i agree with almost all the things you have to say but, no one makes the choice to be born, it is a choice made for us all and I think the only reasonable thing to say about this corrupt world we were flung into is that it is what it is.

    Weather their is a real rhyme or reason to our existance the only truth we have to it all is that we are here. Without people and their thought their would be no world. imagine if there never was life!? then there would not be the years of history made by our existance. I do enjoy the way love and death and happiness and pain and many other thoughts and emotions I am able to expirience through this life. I am greatful for all of it, even the bad things that happen and that I expirience they are what has made me a personality and a concious being in the world. have you ever loved someone??? have you ever hated someone? lost someone you cared about? hurt or been molested? recieved somthing from someone and it changed your life?these are very powerful feelings to think about they are what people live through every single day, and even though they can be hurtful or helpful to or life this is after all all we have. So, yes this is a really weird thing that we live and end up doing nothing but dying one day but, i can say I WAS! and that is satisfiying for me. Some people do not live but a few seconds from birth and will never expirience or know the things I have been through or have the chance to do it their way. So,  I can not say that I lived for no reason, i lived what someone else did not and after having my son, I found so many reasons I need more time on this earth. He will need my knowlege and expirience to ensure he will have it better than myself or even see possibility to make the world a better place in his generation. "and that's all i gonna say about that! " lol

  25. I feel exactly the same way as you. The only thing I can suggest to help you is this: forget all that. Get sucked into your life and do what you like. Live how you want to live. You've only got one life, so you might as well make the best of it even if it is pointless in the end. It's also pointless committing suicide and not making -something- of your life. I know what I said is old and cliche, but I'm sure it helps. Personally, the only things keeping me going are my hobby, my sister, and the fact that I don't want to commit suicide.

  26. This is some serious deep thoughts you have......?  I for one like them you do have some good points.....but if you look at the large pic.....Ok lets put GOD to the side for this one you said. I have children I love them very much I want them to turn out to be much better than I ever could be and just by being here I can insure that I can do the best to teach you spoke of the corrupt  world of different things you are correct but you must find what is important to you....ok look for example I like to drink some people believe it is DEVIL water but ..I do it at home do not drive, etc...h**l I   (WAS)  in law enforcement for years so I understand the factors of this.....some people would call me wrong for it...this is what you have to look at....if you were to die...what did you leave behind.?  We all will die but we will all live if we have someone to keep us going......Think real hard of a moment a serious moment no mater how big or small where it be funny,loving romantic or any or did this moment affect your life.  Just a few weeks ago I took my son ridding dirtbikes trails at a park, when I was younger my friend and I rode the same trails......the only thing is I was there my dad was not as he was murdered when I was only five....but I was able to do for my son what muy dad was never able to is an important role to others and not just yourself.......when thinking of life put yourself last....put ones you care about first.  

  27. Hi! I am so sorry that you are feeling this way! I can understand how you feel because some of my friends felt like this when they experienced tragedy.  Through life experiences, I learned that the reason why life is so special is because maybe society is asking you to help. I know it might sound kind of strange, but maybe the world is asking you to help others. I know this because every day, I try to catch the news by watching the major national news networks for a little bit. I have seen society going through a downward spiral because people are losing insight of what is important, and as a result, poor morals and values are being taught to younger generations. My point is that every time I see a news story that is tragic, I know I want to change the world. I want to help humanity and give as much good as possible to the world before I leave this earth. I want to challenge society to change, to stop stereotypes, and most importantly, to teach people how to love and have insight again.  I know I can change the world, even if I just make a small impact. I know that there is hope and that if enough people are willing to make the change and see through situations, society will be better. Maybe there will be less violence, crimes, abuse, and other nasty happenings because people know values and gained insight at a younger age.

    In conclusion, maybe the world is calling out your name! I bet you could change the world too because it seems like you have incredible insight! Life is so beautiful, that some people have trouble recognizing it because of tragedy! Do not let this tragedy bring you down! I believe that you could do great things! Just open your heart and mind, and I promise you that helping others will not only make a difference in the world, but will make you feel better about yourself!

    P.S.  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€Â“ Have you ever read the book called Tuesdays with Morey by Mitch Albom? You should really consider reading this book because it is so inspirational and would be heartwarming for the soul!

  28. Kelsey, everything ends including this feeling. Live to laugh. Go do some of the things that you used to enjoy even though you do not want to right now. You will find that you do enjoy them.

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