
Can someone give me a quote from Henrik Ibersen's A doll's House which has a simile or a hyperbole in it?

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it need to be a quote with a hyperbole OR simile but it cant have both in it and please include which Act





  1. He uses both metaphors and a simile on page 108 as Torvald refers to his wife as his "frightened little songbird" and promises her that his "big broad wings" would protect her. He also brags that he will protect her "like a hunted dove that [he has] saved from the talons of a hawk." In fact, the title of the book itself is an extended metaphor, comparing Nora's relationship with every man in her life to that of a young child playing with her, merely a pretty plaything.




    Nora: Yes, that's just it.

    Helmer: Now you have destroyed all my happiness. You have ruined all my futures. It is horrible to think of! I am in the power of an unscrupulous man; he can do what he likes with me, ask anything he likes of me, give me any order he pleases-- I dare not to refuse. And I must sink to such miserable depths because of a thoughtless woman!

    It is a hyperbole because although Nora may have caused a major accident of forging a sign and hiding it from Helmer, it is not clear whether it will affect his future or not. Helmer is exaggerating that his happiness is destroyed because he feels betrayal and anger, just to show the seriousness that Nora has caused.


    Act lll


    Mrs. Linde: But now I am quite alone in the world--my life is so dreadfully empty and I feel so forsaken.

    This is a hyperbole because Mrs. Linde is exaggerating about her situation.


    Simile- It was like being a man.

    Act I

    Hyperbole: NORA: I should like to tear it into a hundred thousand pieces.

    Act ll

  2. I would like to know too

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