
Can someone give me a simplified explanation on global warming?

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Still don't understand what it's all about. Thank you!




  1. It has to do with green house gases and how human pollution is ruining our climate and atmosphere. You can watch the Al Gore movie, but take him with a grain aof salt, he does over-exaggerate at certain points. (example, the rising water isn't even close to what he says research implies). But otherwise, its a pretty good starting point.

    Here's a run down for global warming: rising sea levels, flooding, melting of polar ice caps and glaciers, fluctuations in temperature and precipitation, more frequent and stronger El Niños and La Niñas, drought, heat waves, and forest fires

    Edit - of course, since I typed this at the wee hours of the morning, I thought I would mention that (it was in the news not that long ago), a type of algea/plant was recently tested and found to be producing MORE methane gasses than we ourselves do. Gotta laugh. So global warming isn't all about humans, its a natural process and all. I think the big concern is that we (and I'm not talking the early ages and all, but in modern times), accelerate the whole process. Go figure.

  2. Here it is.  Global warming is nothing more than a climate change that the earth goes through.  It has done it for BILLIONS of years.  The earth is constantly going through stages of cooling off (Ice Age) and warming back up.  However, too many people see it as a threat.  They blame humans for it, when the truth is that the earth is doing what it has always done, LONG before humans ever arrived.

    Rather than being alarmed by it and blaming ourselves, why not be grateful that we are fortunate enough to live in a time where we can witness first hand the earth doing it's natural thing?  We didn't cause it and we can't stop it.

    I guess the cave men discovering fire warmed up the earth enough to end the ice age.  That is the basic logic that all those hippies are trying to sell you, except now, it gives them something to blame technology on.

  3. i can explain it in one word:

    HOAX !

  4. the earth is warming up

    watch that one movie by Al Gore..forgot the name

  5. The short version is it's a lie.

    This planet was here long before we got here and it will be here long after we die.  When it's done with us, it will shake us off like fleas.

  6. there are these gasses called greenhouse gasses. they trap heat keeping the earth nice and warm (it keeps it about 30degrees C warmer then it would otherwise be).

    humans are adding more of these gasses into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels, using fertilisers ect.

    this is causing the earth to warm. = global warming

  7. Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-twentieth century and its projected continuation.

    The average global air temperature near the Earth's surface increased 0.74 ± 0.18 °C (1.33 ± 0.32 °F) during the hundred years ending in 2005.

  8. its all this harmful stuff in our world caused by us humans that will one day kill the world and us all

  9. In the present time we produce a lot of pollution specifically air pollution.

    The common air pollutants are hydrocarbons, particulates, CFC and a whole lot more... When it reaches to the point that the atmosphere holds so much of these pollutants, the earth is experiencing something we call as GREENHOUSE EFFECT which then affects the circulation of heat in the earth.


    Before sun light & heat can enter freely in our planet and later on the earth reflects back the extra heat to the outer space. But because of the GREENHOUSE GASES(air pollutants) which blocks the atmosphere, the extra heat which was supposed to be reflected back cannot go out such that too much heat gathers up in the Earth's surface. An event we call GLOBAL WARMiNG.




    hope i helped

  10. Julie it's a very simple explanation.  As the population of the world increases our demands on the planet increase...........

    We require  heat for our homes

    We use electricity

    We drive more cars

    etc., etc., etc.

  11. Global warming is caused by a phenomenon known as the greenhouse effect. A greenhouse (or glasshouse) is good for growing things because it traps heat inside and stays hotter than the atmosphere around it.

    Earth's atmosphere behaves like a gigantic greenhouse, though it traps heat a different way. Gases high in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide and methane, behave like a giant piece of curved glass wrapped right round the planet. The Sun's rays (mostly visible light and short-wavelength, high-energy ultraviolet radiation) pass straight through this "greenhouse gas" and warm up Earth. The warming planet gives off heat energy (longer wavelength infrared radiation), which radiates out toward space. Some of this outgoing radiation does not pass through the atmosphere, but is reflected back down to Earth, effectively trapping heat and keeping the planet about 33 degrees hotter than it would otherwise be. This is called the natural greenhouse effect and it's a good thing. Without it, Earth would be much too cold to support the huge diversity of life that it does.

  12. the gradual increase of the temperature of the earth's lower atmosphere as a result of the increase in greenhouse gases since the Industrial Revolution.

  13. Global Warming, increase in the average temperature of the atmosphere, oceans, and landmasses of Earth. The planet has warmed (and cooled) many times during the 4.65 billion years of its history. At present Earth appears to be facing a rapid warming, which most scientists believe results, at least in part, from human activities. The chief cause of this warming is thought to be the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, which releases into the atmosphere carbon dioxide and other substances known as greenhouse gases. As the atmosphere becomes richer in these gases, it becomes a better insulator, retaining more of the heat provided to the planet by the Sun.

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